Seg's page of randomness.
This a random page to put some pictures in here. Or my art you know everything random. So enjoy if you like random stuff.
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Chicken Nugget Song "PARODY"
Buy " Chicken Nuggets" on iTunes Now: I Tunes Link: Prod by : @ Cbmix my facebook:
on February 12, 2017
Pj. This. Is. So. CUTE!
Pj. This. Is. So. CUTE!
on February 12, 2017

on February 11, 2017
Why is this so funny?! XD
Why is this so funny?! XD

Mario Vs. Kermit
Mario Vs. Kermit From Retarded64: Mario The Olympian Retarded64: Classic Collection™ (2013-2016) Theatrical Edition Rating: G
on February 08, 2017

Awesome Team.! Roll out.! *rolls on the floor*

on February 05, 2017
on February 05, 2017

I'm doing this cause I'm bored
Name: Seg
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Katin
Personality: shy, sweet, kind, sometimes gets aggressive, loner
Likes: Flowers, food, being alone, peace, quiet, See More
Dislikes: loud noises, nightmares, disturbances, being in front of people
Back story: Her home planet gets attack by the shadowers. And her parents died when she was only 3. She came to earth in a early age. So she be wondering the earth for years. But she didn't knew that she has powers. First raised by Skelejamie then few years later raised by Finn.
Powers: Ability to heal, float, telekinesis, makes anything into a weapon, unknown powers.
Info: The guardian of the 8 dimensions, When she get mad... Get out of the room now.
Name: Seg
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Katin
Personality: shy, sweet, kind, sometimes gets aggressive, loner
Likes: Flowers, food, being alone, peace, quiet, See More
Dislikes: loud noises, nightmares, disturbances, being in front of people
Back story: Her home planet gets attack by the shadowers. And her parents died when she was only 3. She came to earth in a early age. So she be wondering the earth for years. But she didn't knew that she has powers. First raised by Skelejamie then few years later raised by Finn.
Powers: Ability to heal, float, telekinesis, makes anything into a weapon, unknown powers.
Info: The guardian of the 8 dimensions, When she get mad... Get out of the room now.
on February 01, 2017
I can't stop listening to this song.!!!
I can't stop listening to this song.!!!

Shawn Wasabi - HOTTO DOGU (live original stuff)
Buy it on iTUnes: made some sounds FREE DOWNLOAD for the first 1000:
on February 01, 2017

My young sister kicked me out of my room. AGAIN. She's so mean and bossy.! ??
on January 27, 2017
on January 25, 2017

When I see rice and I be like...
on January 25, 2017

I'm bored. Can someone rp with me please..?
on January 24, 2017

on January 22, 2017

a girl who is amazing, cute, and an all around great person. Sometimes thinks too low of herself, but has no reason to at all. She is easy to love, and has a great personality. Generally younger than the rest, but definately one of the greatest people alive.
This is a good definition for Sweetheart.
a girl who is amazing, cute, and an all around great person. Sometimes thinks too low of herself, but has no reason to at all. She is easy to love, and has a great personality. Generally younger than the rest, but definately one of the greatest people alive.
This is a good definition for Sweetheart.
on January 21, 2017

Definition of seg
plural -s
dialectal, British
: an animal (as a bull or boar) when castrated as a mature adult
... See More
plural -s
dialectal, British
: an animal (as a bull or boar) when castrated as a mature adult
... See More
on January 21, 2017

IM A HELICOPTER!!!! *spins around*
on January 21, 2017

My school schedule:
8th grade
1st: Band
2nd: Gym
3rd: Social studies
4th: Science See More
5th: Language Arts
6th: Math (Algebra 1)
8th grade
1st: Band
2nd: Gym
3rd: Social studies
4th: Science See More
5th: Language Arts
6th: Math (Algebra 1)
on January 21, 2017

Name: Jacob
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Looks: Pink haired, curly, covering one eye, pink button down shirt, red eyes, black pants, black vest, a lot of earrings (6) and red bowtie.
Powers.?: hair changes colors, clone himself,
Info: He can turn into a.... I can't tell you. He an overprotective brother and son, his younger brother is Finn.
A bit about him: "I'm not gay.! -Jacob See More
Name: Finn (A.K.A. Flower Boy)
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Looks: Golden hair with red tips, wears a yellow button down shirt, red pants, red vest, a few earrings(3) black with white pupils, a black and white hair clip, and a red bowtie.
Powers: Teleporting, float in mid air, reads peoples minds, future vision.
(This kid got powers like anyone else.!)
Info: Super shy, likes flowers, wants everyone to get along, came from a different father, likes to dance and sing, Mama's boy.
A bit about him: " I keep having nightmares... There really scary..." -Finn
Fact: Both don't have no shadow powers yet.
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Looks: Pink haired, curly, covering one eye, pink button down shirt, red eyes, black pants, black vest, a lot of earrings (6) and red bowtie.
Powers.?: hair changes colors, clone himself,
Info: He can turn into a.... I can't tell you. He an overprotective brother and son, his younger brother is Finn.
A bit about him: "I'm not gay.! -Jacob See More
Name: Finn (A.K.A. Flower Boy)
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Looks: Golden hair with red tips, wears a yellow button down shirt, red pants, red vest, a few earrings(3) black with white pupils, a black and white hair clip, and a red bowtie.
Powers: Teleporting, float in mid air, reads peoples minds, future vision.
(This kid got powers like anyone else.!)
Info: Super shy, likes flowers, wants everyone to get along, came from a different father, likes to dance and sing, Mama's boy.
A bit about him: " I keep having nightmares... There really scary..." -Finn
Fact: Both don't have no shadow powers yet.
on January 19, 2017