Halfling Rp
This is a rp page for halflings. You could be half anything! Rp and have fun! Note: Nothing inopropriate. I will ban you from this page if you do.
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Marty: *he sat on the bench staring at the hot dog cart, able to smell it and taste from his location, but with no money he could only stare*
*he stood moving his collar up, ducking his head*
*he walked back to his small setup where he lived in the woods quietly*
*curled up on his sleeping bag was a snake, he picked it up and let it wrap around his arm*
*he stood moving his collar up, ducking his head*
*he walked back to his small setup where he lived in the woods quietly*
*curled up on his sleeping bag was a snake, he picked it up and let it wrap around his arm*
on July 22, 2015

Name: Marty Kyle
Gender: Male
Halfling: Black Mamba
Looks: Picture
Family: None
Other: Can use his blood as a weapon as it's filled with poison; immune to all snake venom
Name: Lola Kale See More
Gender: Female
Halfling: African Crowned Eagle
Looks: Picture
Family: In Africa
Other: Came to America
Gender: Male
Halfling: Black Mamba
Looks: Picture
Family: None
Other: Can use his blood as a weapon as it's filled with poison; immune to all snake venom
Name: Lola Kale See More
Gender: Female
Halfling: African Crowned Eagle
Looks: Picture
Family: In Africa
Other: Came to America
on July 22, 2015

Look: picture
Family: none
Other: none
Look: picture
Family: none
Other: none
on July 21, 2015

Name: Mayanne Wood
Gender: female
Age: 16
Halfling: Fox
Lives: RockWell Lake Woods
Tribe (RavenWell, RoseLeen, CrystalSky, and you can start a new tribe): Rockwell Tribe (Her own, she's the leader)
Backstory: Her family was once part of RavenWell, but things got unfair for children, so her parents left her in Rockwell woods and when she turned 12 she started her own tribe. See More
Family: Mom, Lewine Wood, Dad, Quimby Wood
Other: she can talk with animals
Gender: female
Age: 16
Halfling: Fox
Lives: RockWell Lake Woods
Tribe (RavenWell, RoseLeen, CrystalSky, and you can start a new tribe): Rockwell Tribe (Her own, she's the leader)
Backstory: Her family was once part of RavenWell, but things got unfair for children, so her parents left her in Rockwell woods and when she turned 12 she started her own tribe. See More
Family: Mom, Lewine Wood, Dad, Quimby Wood
Other: she can talk with animals
on July 20, 2015

Look: picture
Backstory: Parents left when he was three
Look: picture
Backstory: Parents left when he was three
on July 20, 2015

Name: Cordelia
Gender: Female
Halfling: vampire bat
Looks: Picture
Family: There disapeared
Backstory:she used to have parents but in winter,they went to search for food,but they never came back,so cordelia has lived by her own
Gender: Female
Halfling: vampire bat
Looks: Picture
Family: There disapeared
Backstory:she used to have parents but in winter,they went to search for food,but they never came back,so cordelia has lived by her own
on July 19, 2015

Name:lunar stale
Gender: female
Halfling: wolf and human
Looks: picture
Lives: in a house next to the woods
Tribe: loner
Backstory: add later See More
Family: her husband (Clay)
Other: she is having her first kid soon
Gender: female
Halfling: wolf and human
Looks: picture
Lives: in a house next to the woods
Tribe: loner
Backstory: add later See More
Family: her husband (Clay)
Other: she is having her first kid soon
on July 19, 2015

Beth: *running holding a bunny, looks back and see a few wolves chasing her* !
on July 19, 2015

(Starting rp)
Vail: *He was up in a tree, staring at the bunny beneath the tree that he planned to pounce on. He nearly fell out of the tree though whenever his sister came out of seemingly no where, chasing after the rabbit while barking. He sighed and laid on the branch, knowing that this meant no dinner for them.*
Vail: *He was up in a tree, staring at the bunny beneath the tree that he planned to pounce on. He nearly fell out of the tree though whenever his sister came out of seemingly no where, chasing after the rabbit while barking. He sighed and laid on the branch, knowing that this meant no dinner for them.*

Lucius: *He immediately ran through a nearby stream, hoping to mask his scent and throw Mya off. He quickly slunk beneath some tree roots, a place where he used to hide from panthers as a little cub. He hoped his little spot would still be safe.*
on July 19, 2015

Mya: 1...2...3...*She began counting, wondering if she'd be able to find the partial tiger man. When she reached twenty she pulled away from the tree and called out to him excitedly.* Ready or not, here I come!!! *She stated, sniffing the air curiously to try and pick up his scent.*
on July 19, 2015

Lucius: *The predator side in Lucius was coming out now. He silently padded through the jungle, a place he'd known for such a long time, and he had a good idea of where to hide.*
on July 19, 2015

Mya: Let's pay hide and seek!!! *She exclaimed, wanting to play that game even though they could try and cheat by following each other's scents.* I'll count first! *She stated, putting her face against a tree before she began counting.*
on July 19, 2015

Lucius: Sure! *He said. He honestly wasn't bothered by Mya's enthusiasm; on the contrary, he quite enjoyed it.* What game did you have in mind?
on July 19, 2015
on July 19, 2015

Starting an RP (anyone can join)
Lucius: *sleeping beneath a tree*
Lucius: *sleeping beneath a tree*
on July 18, 2015

Name: Lucius Hawkswind
Gender: male
Halfling: Tiger
Looks: will upload
Lives: alone
Tribe: none
Backstory: He was the result of a failed experiment. He wasn't even born. Labeled Test Subject: Lucius, he was an attempt by a cruel scientist to create the ultimate war monster. The tests worked and he was trained in many different aspects of war, including infiltration (which didn't work out) and swordfighting (which did work). Eventually, he got tired of being bossed around by the See More scientist and ran. He got caught in a trap outside the lab and was almost killed, but he was able to wrestle himself free.
Family: none
Other: will often attack if provoked
Gender: male
Halfling: Tiger
Looks: will upload
Lives: alone
Tribe: none
Backstory: He was the result of a failed experiment. He wasn't even born. Labeled Test Subject: Lucius, he was an attempt by a cruel scientist to create the ultimate war monster. The tests worked and he was trained in many different aspects of war, including infiltration (which didn't work out) and swordfighting (which did work). Eventually, he got tired of being bossed around by the See More scientist and ran. He got caught in a trap outside the lab and was almost killed, but he was able to wrestle himself free.
Family: none
Other: will often attack if provoked
on July 18, 2015

on July 18, 2015
Name: flora
Halfing: tiger
Looks: pic
Lives:in forest and jungles
Backstory: left as a baby See More
Halfing: tiger
Looks: pic
Lives:in forest and jungles
Backstory: left as a baby See More
on July 18, 2015

(Anyone can join)
Vail: *He crouched down, seeing his sister dozing off in the sun. He pounced on her, causing her to yelp before she squirmed while barking excitedly. Eventually he let her win, tumbling off her and he felt her jump on him before she started licking his face.* Enough! I yield! Mercy! Mercy! *He called out loudly while playfully pushing at her but he was letting her have her fun.*
Vail: *He crouched down, seeing his sister dozing off in the sun. He pounced on her, causing her to yelp before she squirmed while barking excitedly. Eventually he let her win, tumbling off her and he felt her jump on him before she started licking his face.* Enough! I yield! Mercy! Mercy! *He called out loudly while playfully pushing at her but he was letting her have her fun.*
on July 18, 2015

Vail: *He hissed instinctively since he was surprised and he fought the urge to climb a tree. His tail fluffed out and his ears went back since he didn't trust this stranger.* Who are you? *He growled, scared that she'd be hostile.*
on July 18, 2015
on July 18, 2015

Vain: *His ear twitched in her direction, making it clear he'd heard her but he figured it was probably nothing as he began using his tongue to groom his fluffy tail as he purred loudly, being in a surprisingly good mood as he watched his sister release some energy by chasing her own tail.*
on July 18, 2015
Flora: *walks to the tree near them, laying low in the shadows hoping nobody will see her*
on July 18, 2015
on July 18, 2015

Name: Mya Tremouir
Gender: Female
Halfling: Dog
Looks: Picture
Family: Brother Vail
Other: None
Name: Vail Tremouir See More
Gender: Male
Halfling: Cat
Looks: picture
Family: Sister Mya (she had no home when he found her so he adopted her)
Other: None
Gender: Female
Halfling: Dog
Looks: Picture
Family: Brother Vail
Other: None
Name: Vail Tremouir See More
Gender: Male
Halfling: Cat
Looks: picture
Family: Sister Mya (she had no home when he found her so he adopted her)
Other: None
on July 18, 2015

Name:Emma White
Looks: pic
Lives:in forest
Backstory:abandoned See More
Looks: pic
Lives:in forest
Backstory:abandoned See More
on July 18, 2015
Vail: Any suggestions? *He asked, feeling exhausted now that his adrenaline had worn off.*