My Quotes
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When I'm feeling down and someone tells me to "suck it up" I have this sudden urge to snap their legs while they're standing with a baseball bat and tell them to "walk it off"
on November 15, 2017

Have you ever had one of those days where you're holding a bat and everyone looks like a pinata? I have.
on November 15, 2017

I think the world would be a better place it there were no guns, then we could focus on the important things, like knife fighting and how to kill a person with one punch.
on November 15, 2017

on November 15, 2017

Personally I think I deserve an award for making it through the week without stabbing someone in the neck with a fork.
on November 15, 2017

I'm not arguing. I'm simply explaining my case to you and you're too big of a bitch to listen. Instead you want to say I have 'attitude'. STFU, lady.
on November 15, 2017

on November 15, 2017

on November 15, 2017

When a girl is in love; you can see it in her smile.
When a guy is in love; you can see it in his eyes.
When a guy is in love; you can see it in his eyes.
on November 15, 2017

on November 15, 2017

If you have an opinion about my life please raise your hand.
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Now put it over your mouth and shut the fvck up. Thank you.
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Now put it over your mouth and shut the fvck up. Thank you.
on November 15, 2017

I'm actually not funny. I'm just mean and people think I'm joking when I'm not.
on November 15, 2017

People like you are the reason we have middle fingers.
on November 15, 2017

Based on psychological study, a crush only last for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds then you are already in love.
(Well shit, I've liked him for 6 years.)
(Well shit, I've liked him for 6 years.)
on November 15, 2017

Dear guys, when a girl says, "I'm cold" your aren't supposed to say "Me too."
on November 15, 2017

When killing them with kindness doesn't work, Use a baseball bat. Results may vary.
on November 15, 2017

Buckle up, Buttercup. You just flicked my bitch button to ON.

on November 15, 2017
on November 15, 2017