This is a page to RolePlay on~ If you want to join ask to be a member and fill a fourm~!Make sure there isn't a lot of lovey dovey things, remember these are infamous murders were talking to and being. ENJOY~ Fourm- Name, Age, Looks(or Picture), BestFriend, boyfriend/girlfriend,weapon, methods of killing, BackStory, Family.

Name: Joseph Waters
Age: 17
Weapon: Throwing Knives and Staff
Backstory: (will be explained over time through rp)
Age: 17
Weapon: Throwing Knives and Staff
Backstory: (will be explained over time through rp)

on October 27, 2015
on December 24, 2014

For any Marble Hornet CP lovers. :)

Marble Hornets RP
Just like any other RP page out there but this is for the YouTube series Marble Hornets so... OC PROFILE THINGY! Name: Age: Gender: Nickname (If you have one) Back story: Ect:
on December 14, 2014

Marcus: *He used his magic to hold the man he had targeted in place. They were in a dark alley and he had finally managed to lure the drunk man out of the bar with promises to meet his fake sister. The man groaned in pain as Marcus walked closer, unable to move his body. Marcus smiled evilly and used his magic to grab the man's heart and he squeezed it, crushing his heart and killing him in a slow, painful death.*
Simon: *He cursed as he ran along the rooftops, scanning the sidewalks See More for Marcus. Anytime he left him alone he got himself into trouble and now he was leaping from along the rooftops, his coat flapping behind him. He paused panting, adjusting his mask so that he could see better as he panted, looking for Marcus's masked face among the crowds of people.*
(Just say who you're talking to when you respond. An easy way to identify them is by their masks. Marcus=Red/White, Simon=Black/Silver.)
Simon: *He cursed as he ran along the rooftops, scanning the sidewalks See More for Marcus. Anytime he left him alone he got himself into trouble and now he was leaping from along the rooftops, his coat flapping behind him. He paused panting, adjusting his mask so that he could see better as he panted, looking for Marcus's masked face among the crowds of people.*
(Just say who you're talking to when you respond. An easy way to identify them is by their masks. Marcus=Red/White, Simon=Black/Silver.)

Marcus: But...I forgive you...had you not thought about it you would've got away with it...*He murmured, grinning beneath his mask. He then took off his cloak and shirt, showing her his abs and muscles as he laid on her lap again.* Sorry, I think I might have a fever...*He murmured, still trying to be mean to her.*
on December 15, 2014

on December 15, 2014

marcus: I know you're lying...I can read your mind...*He murmured still smiling, putting his head on her lap as he pulled his mask down, looking up smiling at her.*
on December 15, 2014

Reimu:i-i did not do such a thing!!*she exclaimed even though she Was lying,and Was now blushing of embarresment*
on December 15, 2014

Marcus: And you fondling me in my sleep wasn't? *He asked because she had made mistake of thinking about it earlier.*
on December 15, 2014
on December 08, 2014

Name: Marcus Gossling
Age: 24
Looks: (Pic)
Best Friend: None
Crush: None
Weapon: Dark Magic/Sorcery
Backstory: His father was psychotic. He always practiced dark magic, tearing rifts in the balance of power and resurrecting the dead. After his wife died, he attempted to cast a spell to bring her back to life, although it went horribly wrong. (Not going into detail) His father died some years later in an "accident" involved with an organized crime group. Marcus, burdened by the See More loss of both his parents was drove to insanity. Now he murders for pleasure, wanting others to feel the way he does.
Family: Simon v
Extra: Very straight forward with people, never removes his mask, only to eat/shower.
Name: Simon Gossling
Age: 19
Looks: (Pic)
Best Friend: None
Crush: None
Weapon: Poison
Backstory: He was not nearly as affected by the loss of their parents as Marcus was. He does not like to kill nearly as much as Marcus does, he only does it to protect Marcus. He is more down to Earth and level headed than most murderers. He used poison in order to assassinate people painlessly and always mourns when he has to hurt someone.
Family: Marcus ^
Extra: Very shy, he almost never removes his mask, he is always wearing gloves to hide his grotesque hands, (Due to years of handling poison)
Age: 24
Looks: (Pic)
Best Friend: None
Crush: None
Weapon: Dark Magic/Sorcery
Backstory: His father was psychotic. He always practiced dark magic, tearing rifts in the balance of power and resurrecting the dead. After his wife died, he attempted to cast a spell to bring her back to life, although it went horribly wrong. (Not going into detail) His father died some years later in an "accident" involved with an organized crime group. Marcus, burdened by the See More loss of both his parents was drove to insanity. Now he murders for pleasure, wanting others to feel the way he does.
Family: Simon v
Extra: Very straight forward with people, never removes his mask, only to eat/shower.
Name: Simon Gossling
Age: 19
Looks: (Pic)
Best Friend: None
Crush: None
Weapon: Poison
Backstory: He was not nearly as affected by the loss of their parents as Marcus was. He does not like to kill nearly as much as Marcus does, he only does it to protect Marcus. He is more down to Earth and level headed than most murderers. He used poison in order to assassinate people painlessly and always mourns when he has to hurt someone.
Family: Marcus ^
Extra: Very shy, he almost never removes his mask, he is always wearing gloves to hide his grotesque hands, (Due to years of handling poison)
on December 08, 2014

Rush: *Sitting downstairs, alone*
Rush: *Sitting downstairs, alone*

(I did a roleplay by myself on BEN, Rush, and another person playing Mario Kart 8 a while back... Some pretty funny things happened... XD)
on December 10, 2014

on December 10, 2014
on December 07, 2014

(Open Role Play Any One Can Join!!)
Dark Kenna: *walking through the dark forest humming and searching for a victim*
Dark Kenna: *walking through the dark forest humming and searching for a victim*
on December 07, 2014

Starting one! Anyone can join!
(I swear, if you join FandomLover, I will laugh my head off. Just because we RP ALL THE TIME! XD)
Legend: *Sitting on the living room couch with Ary's (pet tiger, for those who don't know) head in his lap*
(I swear, if you join FandomLover, I will laugh my head off. Just because we RP ALL THE TIME! XD)
Legend: *Sitting on the living room couch with Ary's (pet tiger, for those who don't know) head in his lap*

Legend: If you think of it that way... Really, this is only my fourth hunt. I'm sorta new around here.
on December 07, 2014
on December 06, 2014

Kenna: *gazes up at the moon with her Blue/Green eyes while clinching her scythe*
on December 06, 2014

Name: Kenna
Age: 16
Looks: long dark red hair, her eyes are like a green/blue, but when her altered personality (Dark Kenna) comes out, her right eye turns blood red with the outside black along with a black scythe head under the right eye. She has pale skin and only wears dark clothes. (Will post picture later)
Best-friend: Laughing Jack
Boyfriend: No one Yet
Weapon: dark Scythe
Methods Of Killing: Normal Kenna: uses kindess to make them see everything is ok and then tortures See More them to the point of madness. Dark Kenna: makes them believe everything is a dream that nothing can hurt them and then brutally murders them.
Backstory: after hearing a nursery rhyme when she was younger, the Dark Kenna awoke and started growing stronger. On the night of Normal Kenna's 16th birthday, Normal Kenna dreamed of murdering a family; however, it was Dark Kenna killing them all while Dark Kenna made Normal Kenna think it was a dream. After several murders Normal Kenna experienced, Normal Kenna started hearing Dark Kenna's voice. One night, Normal Kenna tried staying up all night to stop the killings; however, she only met Dark Kenna. When Normal Kenna told her parents, they figure she had lost her mind and sent her away to get help. There Dark Kenna convinced Normal Kenna how evil the world was and that it needed to change. Normal Kenna was convicted but only tortures her victims.
Age: 16
Looks: long dark red hair, her eyes are like a green/blue, but when her altered personality (Dark Kenna) comes out, her right eye turns blood red with the outside black along with a black scythe head under the right eye. She has pale skin and only wears dark clothes. (Will post picture later)
Best-friend: Laughing Jack
Boyfriend: No one Yet
Weapon: dark Scythe
Methods Of Killing: Normal Kenna: uses kindess to make them see everything is ok and then tortures See More them to the point of madness. Dark Kenna: makes them believe everything is a dream that nothing can hurt them and then brutally murders them.
Backstory: after hearing a nursery rhyme when she was younger, the Dark Kenna awoke and started growing stronger. On the night of Normal Kenna's 16th birthday, Normal Kenna dreamed of murdering a family; however, it was Dark Kenna killing them all while Dark Kenna made Normal Kenna think it was a dream. After several murders Normal Kenna experienced, Normal Kenna started hearing Dark Kenna's voice. One night, Normal Kenna tried staying up all night to stop the killings; however, she only met Dark Kenna. When Normal Kenna told her parents, they figure she had lost her mind and sent her away to get help. There Dark Kenna convinced Normal Kenna how evil the world was and that it needed to change. Normal Kenna was convicted but only tortures her victims.
on December 06, 2014

Looks :pic!
Methods of killing:just by thinking what she wants to do to the person. See More
Backstory :her dad,zalgo,sended her too earth,so she could do wat she loves,killing
Family:zalgo(dad )
Looks :pic!
Methods of killing:just by thinking what she wants to do to the person. See More
Backstory :her dad,zalgo,sended her too earth,so she could do wat she loves,killing
Family:zalgo(dad )

Best friend:for her eveeyone is her friend,but she actually dosent have one
Weopen:chainsaw See More
Methods of killing:when sombody dosent love her,she sílice evrey part of there body then eat it
Backstory:she killed her family cause they hated her,she Begin to live in the forest and evrey time Shes a person she trys to be friends with her/Him,if they dont love her,she kills then eats them
Family:there all dead
Best friend:for her eveeyone is her friend,but she actually dosent have one
Weopen:chainsaw See More
Methods of killing:when sombody dosent love her,she sílice evrey part of there body then eat it
Backstory:she killed her family cause they hated her,she Begin to live in the forest and evrey time Shes a person she trys to be friends with her/Him,if they dont love her,she kills then eats them
Family:there all dead
on December 06, 2014
on December 06, 2014

(Starting one and you can choice which line we start on. X3)
Baby Doll: *sitting in the kitchen talking to Masky and Hoodie* Can I tell you guys something without you guys thinking I'm crazy... Er?
Leah: *fixing a busted down door cursing under breath* F*cking broken dumb a** sh*tty door.
Gizem: *being force feed a heart by EJ and holds pregnant stomach* >.< I'm not hungry!!! Dx
Baby Doll: *sitting in the kitchen talking to Masky and Hoodie* Can I tell you guys something without you guys thinking I'm crazy... Er?
Leah: *fixing a busted down door cursing under breath* F*cking broken dumb a** sh*tty door.
Gizem: *being force feed a heart by EJ and holds pregnant stomach* >.< I'm not hungry!!! Dx

Baby Doll:I've been c-called Ms. Mood S-swing, Cry B-baby Doll, and p-pill popper and I-I've only been here for a w-weak...
on December 06, 2014

Elfen:*she looked away chanching a little her face*hmmmmm....they have called me crazy physco girl
on December 06, 2014

Baby Doll: *slides down sitting to the ground with tears threatening to fall* Yup... That' all I've ever heard... :(
on December 06, 2014

Baby Doll: *looking at the ground with dull eyes* *drops the empty pill bottle* *still holding a marker, paper, cigarettes, and a lighter*
on December 06, 2014
on December 06, 2014

Name: Tundra (Original Name: John)
Age: Stuck at 17
Looks: Light blue hair, white "glowish" eyes (No pupil), usually wears a fedora, wears a grey hoodie and black pants, grey Vans
Bestfriend: Umm... Jeff? I don't actually know.
Girlfriend: Death (FandomLover's OC)
Method of killing: Simply stabs victim
Family: Skylar (His sister, greenylover64's OC) See More
Backstory: I have a story up for this.
Other: He's a ghost, so he doesn't age. Also, he can be injured by anyone, but can only be killed by other ghosts. He loves LOVES music. He also likes the cold.
Name: Rush
Age: 13
Looks: Pink hair, red eyes, either wears
Bestfriend: BEN Drowned
Girlfriend: Um... SECRETS!!! XD I won't ever tell anyone. Ever. No matter how much you beg, I won't say. More like he won't tell... STILL.
Method of killing: Either gives them a short talk then kills them, or simply stabs them.
Family: No one, really. His sister died in a car crash, and he killed his parents.
Backstory: I have a story on him.
Other: He's seriously hyper.
Age: Stuck at 17
Looks: Light blue hair, white "glowish" eyes (No pupil), usually wears a fedora, wears a grey hoodie and black pants, grey Vans
Bestfriend: Umm... Jeff? I don't actually know.
Girlfriend: Death (FandomLover's OC)
Method of killing: Simply stabs victim
Family: Skylar (His sister, greenylover64's OC) See More
Backstory: I have a story up for this.
Other: He's a ghost, so he doesn't age. Also, he can be injured by anyone, but can only be killed by other ghosts. He loves LOVES music. He also likes the cold.
Name: Rush
Age: 13
Looks: Pink hair, red eyes, either wears
Bestfriend: BEN Drowned
Girlfriend: Um... SECRETS!!! XD I won't ever tell anyone. Ever. No matter how much you beg, I won't say. More like he won't tell... STILL.
Method of killing: Either gives them a short talk then kills them, or simply stabs them.
Family: No one, really. His sister died in a car crash, and he killed his parents.
Backstory: I have a story on him.
Other: He's seriously hyper.

on December 07, 2014

XD Murder Rush. Oh wait, then it wouldn't last... MURDER BEN INSTEAD, RUSH WILL MAKE IT LAST SOMEHOW.
on December 07, 2014

Alright, alright. I got it. We need to start a roleplay which won't actually last where Rush and BEN are actually together. IT SHALL NOT LAST. IT SHALL NOT BE TRUE. IT SHALL BE HILARIOUS.
on December 07, 2014
on December 03, 2014

Dan: *walking through the woods, caring the last victims body of Jeff* Why does he have to be so messy. *not caring about the weight of the body, due to super strength, sunglasses off letting eyes shine in the dark* Why do I have to be on cleanup duty?

on December 03, 2014
on December 03, 2014

Baby Doll: *writing in the woods and posting them all over the trees* *writes; I've always wanted to be a proxy, they seemed like outcast that where brought together by the Operator and formed a family. I've always wanted that togetherness* *post it on a tree* *writes; BEWARE! They hate being seen* *post it* *writes; I don't have to worry, he always watches* *post* *writes; Im not crazy, you are* *post*

Baby Doll: *shows the chip in my arm* I-I need it deactivated unless y-you want Witherfang s-showing up.
on December 13, 2014

Baby Doll: U-um... *nervous about answering the question* M-myself... *sighs calming self* I n-need help from Ben or some one else who is good with techn-nology.
on December 11, 2014
on December 02, 2014

Dan:*walking away from his latest victim, covered in blood, James by him*
James:*laughing like L.J.* That was fun! Can we do it again, Dan?
Dan: No, we can't, we need orders from Slendy, and I need to get on his good side so I can meet my parents.
James: At least you have parents.
James:*laughing like L.J.* That was fun! Can we do it again, Dan?
Dan: No, we can't, we need orders from Slendy, and I need to get on his good side so I can meet my parents.
James: At least you have parents.

on December 06, 2014

Dan: well I never met my parents, but Slenderman promised that if I was a proxy he would let me meet my parents.
on December 06, 2014

on December 05, 2014
on December 02, 2014

Name: Dan
Age: 15
Weapon: light weight battle axes
Method of killing: dismemberment
Backstory: he's the son of Ticci-Toby, and clockwork. He never knew his parents, but being the son of two really powerful CreepyPastas, he has super abilities. Everyone called him son of murders. He always has a perfect tan, and a bad scar on his left cheek. He wears sunglasses to cover his green glowing eyes. When he looked up his parents names, he remembered everything, and found out about all See More the creepypastas, which drove him to insanity.
Girlfriend: 15 year old Sally
Family: Ticci-Toby, clockwork
Best friend: James the killer
Looks: sunglasses, bandana over mouth, hoodie, glowing green eyes, perfect tan.
Age: 15
Weapon: light weight battle axes
Method of killing: dismemberment
Backstory: he's the son of Ticci-Toby, and clockwork. He never knew his parents, but being the son of two really powerful CreepyPastas, he has super abilities. Everyone called him son of murders. He always has a perfect tan, and a bad scar on his left cheek. He wears sunglasses to cover his green glowing eyes. When he looked up his parents names, he remembered everything, and found out about all See More the creepypastas, which drove him to insanity.
Girlfriend: 15 year old Sally
Family: Ticci-Toby, clockwork
Best friend: James the killer
Looks: sunglasses, bandana over mouth, hoodie, glowing green eyes, perfect tan.
on December 02, 2014

Baby Doll: *walking around the woods* *quietly singing Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera to self until I hear a struggle* *cautiously pulls out envelope opener that is still caked in blood*

Baby Doll: *nods as a memory play*
Baby Doll: *insane* Jay~ Where are you?!
Jay: *calls Baby Dolls number* Trinity?
Baby Doll: *chuckles evily* So you FINALLY remember me Jay. See More
Jay: Trinity, I'm sorry. I-
Baby Doll: Issues? *howls with laughter* My father died a day before you disappeared and I-I needed you. My mother beat me again and my brother hung himself. *crying with anger* You promised to never to leave without me. When I needed you-
Jay: Trinity! Listen to-
Baby Doll: No. I'm done listening. I'm done w-waiting. I love you, Jay, but you obviously don't care. It's over.
Jay: Baby Doll. Can we talk in person? Please?! I'm at-
Baby Doll: No! I just killed my m-mother. I have a mess t-to clean up.
Jay: Huh?!
Baby Doll: Oh don't be so surprised. He'll get to you sooner or later and d-don't play dumb with me. I know your "i-issues." Don't worry J-Jay, he's watching over you, always.Your just like me! *hangs up* *cries and puts on a mask and drags my mothers body out of the house*
Baby Doll: *insane* Jay~ Where are you?!
Jay: *calls Baby Dolls number* Trinity?
Baby Doll: *chuckles evily* So you FINALLY remember me Jay. See More
Jay: Trinity, I'm sorry. I-
Baby Doll: Issues? *howls with laughter* My father died a day before you disappeared and I-I needed you. My mother beat me again and my brother hung himself. *crying with anger* You promised to never to leave without me. When I needed you-
Jay: Trinity! Listen to-
Baby Doll: No. I'm done listening. I'm done w-waiting. I love you, Jay, but you obviously don't care. It's over.
Jay: Baby Doll. Can we talk in person? Please?! I'm at-
Baby Doll: No! I just killed my m-mother. I have a mess t-to clean up.
Jay: Huh?!
Baby Doll: Oh don't be so surprised. He'll get to you sooner or later and d-don't play dumb with me. I know your "i-issues." Don't worry J-Jay, he's watching over you, always.Your just like me! *hangs up* *cries and puts on a mask and drags my mothers body out of the house*
on December 06, 2014

Baby Doll: *takes mask off* Maybe seeing my face will help? *has beautiful blue-teal eyes, pale clean skin, soft peach lips, and my signature deep scar from ear to ear above my right eye to under my left* I'm also Jays ex girlfriend.
on December 06, 2014

on December 06, 2014

Baby Doll: *notices then name* Marble Hornets........ That was the movie I was co directing with Alex I believe.
on December 06, 2014
on December 02, 2014

Name: Baby Doll
Age: 19 (Or what ever the average age is)
Looks: (Pic on my profile.)
Best Friend and crush: (MASKY) Tim.
Weapon: Asilver letter opener that is dull except for its very sharp tip.
Method for killing: Only kills people who claim to be perfect and will stalk them for about an hour then we'll say "Your just like me." Then Iwill stab out their eyes (eating them), scalp them (peel they're hair off), then cut off their tongue will pinning them and if they're not dead See More by them I will stab them in the chest, straight to the heart.
Age: 19 (Or what ever the average age is)
Looks: (Pic on my profile.)
Best Friend and crush: (MASKY) Tim.
Weapon: Asilver letter opener that is dull except for its very sharp tip.
Method for killing: Only kills people who claim to be perfect and will stalk them for about an hour then we'll say "Your just like me." Then Iwill stab out their eyes (eating them), scalp them (peel they're hair off), then cut off their tongue will pinning them and if they're not dead See More by them I will stab them in the chest, straight to the heart.
on December 02, 2014