A different kind of Gravity Falls RP.
Basically, there's a new Bill Cipher Wheel, with ten symbols on it, and the RPers are Gravity Falls citizens who have a symbol on the wheel. But each is followed by a member of the Cipher family, and the wheel doesn't have an image of Bill on it. There are more than three Journals. Some actual characters will be in this (Grunkle Stan, etc.) but not playable. The Pines twins will most likely not appear.

If no GUY requests membership BY TOMORROW, then I'll make a male OC and no one new will be able to join ever again.

I could but I can't write on this page >~<
on March 14, 2015

I'd do it, but I'm not that into this fandom...
on March 14, 2015
on March 14, 2015

One more spot people! The first GUY to request membership is in, then it's CLOSED.
on March 14, 2015

Name: Ashley
Age: 14
Looks: pic
Fears: ...
Likes: ...
Dislikes: ...
Crush (optional): None See More
Backstory (optional): none
Symbol: Wolf
Followed by: Bob cipher
Age: 14
Looks: pic
Fears: ...
Likes: ...
Dislikes: ...
Crush (optional): None See More
Backstory (optional): none
Symbol: Wolf
Followed by: Bob cipher
on March 13, 2015

Name: Melody
Age: 13
Looks: in pic
Fears: clowns, dogs, and planes
Likes: drawing, going on adventures, climbing trees, and video games
Dislikes: jerks
Crush (optional): none See More
Symbol: panda
Followed by: idk...
Age: 13
Looks: in pic
Fears: clowns, dogs, and planes
Likes: drawing, going on adventures, climbing trees, and video games
Dislikes: jerks
Crush (optional): none See More
Symbol: panda
Followed by: idk...
on March 13, 2015

Name: Krystal
Age: 12
Looks: Will post Picture
Fears: Almost anything. She gets scared pretty easily, like Dipper.
Likes: Reading, drawing, hanging out, climbing trees, and skipping around.
Dislikes: being scared, being mad fun of, and lil Gidion
Crush (optional): Dipper xD See More
Backstory (optional): Type later... Maybe...
Symbol: Bunny
Followed by: Bebe Cipher
Age: 12
Looks: Will post Picture
Fears: Almost anything. She gets scared pretty easily, like Dipper.
Likes: Reading, drawing, hanging out, climbing trees, and skipping around.
Dislikes: being scared, being mad fun of, and lil Gidion
Crush (optional): Dipper xD See More
Backstory (optional): Type later... Maybe...
Symbol: Bunny
Followed by: Bebe Cipher

on March 13, 2015
on March 13, 2015


on March 13, 2015
on March 13, 2015

Name: Savannah
Age: 12
Looks: Brown hair, freckles, bluish green eyes, wears t shirts and jeans with red sneakers.
Fears: Bonnie a little, Dark, awkward moments, the gnomes, lil gidon.
Likes: Smile dip, her bff mable, dipper, mr.waddles.
Dislikes: Bill, lil gidon See More
Crush (optional): None yet.
Backstory (optional): was born and raised in gravity falls then moved after the incident with the love god and Gruncle Stan. but ran away from her parents since they abused her, she ran back to the mystery shack and started working there with dipper and mable and the rest of the crew.
Symbol: A cat.
followed by: Bonnie.
Name: Savannah
Age: 12
Looks: Brown hair, freckles, bluish green eyes, wears t shirts and jeans with red sneakers.
Fears: Bonnie a little, Dark, awkward moments, the gnomes, lil gidon.
Likes: Smile dip, her bff mable, dipper, mr.waddles.
Dislikes: Bill, lil gidon See More
Crush (optional): None yet.
Backstory (optional): was born and raised in gravity falls then moved after the incident with the love god and Gruncle Stan. but ran away from her parents since they abused her, she ran back to the mystery shack and started working there with dipper and mable and the rest of the crew.
Symbol: A cat.
followed by: Bonnie.

More than one person can have a crush on someone! And Dipper might not even appear in this RP!
on March 14, 2015
on March 13, 2015

-starting a rp! anyone can jjjooooooiiiinnn! X3-
Savannah: *humming and walking through the forest*
Savannah: *humming and walking through the forest*
on March 12, 2015

The Ciphers
Bill Cipher (Max)
Billy Cipher (Kanya)
Bonnie Cipher (Savannah)
Barry Cipher (Melody)
BeBe Cipher (Krystal)
Benny Cipher (Ethan) See More
Blitzy Cipher (Taylor)
Barbra Cipher (Tara)
Bettie Cipher (Truth)
Bob Cipher (Ashley)
Bill Cipher (Max)
Billy Cipher (Kanya)
Bonnie Cipher (Savannah)
Barry Cipher (Melody)
BeBe Cipher (Krystal)
Benny Cipher (Ethan) See More
Blitzy Cipher (Taylor)
Barbra Cipher (Tara)
Bettie Cipher (Truth)
Bob Cipher (Ashley)

I hate to be a bother but I made a typo >.< her name is Savannah. my apologies. >.<
on March 12, 2015
on March 12, 2015

Kanya: -hanging upside down on a tree branch and singing-
Billy: -appears out of nowhere in front of her face- Heya Diamond.
Kanya: WAH! -falls- Ow...-grumpily looks up at him- I thought I told you to stop doing that! I swear, one of these days I'm going to get seriously hurt.
Billy: Come on, it wasn't that bad of a fall!
Kanya: Not this time...
Billy: -ruffles her hair- Come on, up you go. See More
Kanya: -stands up-
Kanya: -hanging upside down on a tree branch and singing-
Billy: -appears out of nowhere in front of her face- Heya Diamond.
Kanya: WAH! -falls- Ow...-grumpily looks up at him- I thought I told you to stop doing that! I swear, one of these days I'm going to get seriously hurt.
Billy: Come on, it wasn't that bad of a fall!
Kanya: Not this time...
Billy: -ruffles her hair- Come on, up you go. See More
Kanya: -stands up-

on April 24, 2015

Billy: But I know what does scare you, and...
Kanya: What?
Billy: I have to keep you out of too much trouble until...a certain point.
Kanya: Do I even want to know what that point will be?
Billy: Probably not.
Kanya: What?
Billy: I have to keep you out of too much trouble until...a certain point.
Kanya: Do I even want to know what that point will be?
Billy: Probably not.
on April 03, 2015

Kanya: Innocent?
Billy: Yeah. You always see the good in people-or demons. Most four-year-olds would've screamed and run at the sight of me. But you didn't.
Kanya: I was four...and there really isn't much that scares me, you know that...
Billy: Yeah. You always see the good in people-or demons. Most four-year-olds would've screamed and run at the sight of me. But you didn't.
Kanya: I was four...and there really isn't much that scares me, you know that...
on April 03, 2015

Kanya: -slows down to a walk-
Billy: -appears- Hey...so you found out...
Kanya: Yeah...you knew?
Billy: Well, duh, I mean, he's family...you're not mad at him...why?
Kanya: There's no reason to...I just found out my best friend is a kick-butt demon and...-quietly and while blushing- He's kind of hot in his demon outfit... See More
Billy: ...do you know why I came to you all those years ago?
Kanya: No...
Billy: It's because from the moment I first saw you, I just knew you were different. Your way of seeing the world is so...unique and innocent...and that's something that's hard to find but easy to lose...
Billy: -appears- Hey...so you found out...
Kanya: Yeah...you knew?
Billy: Well, duh, I mean, he's family...you're not mad at him...why?
Kanya: There's no reason to...I just found out my best friend is a kick-butt demon and...-quietly and while blushing- He's kind of hot in his demon outfit... See More
Billy: ...do you know why I came to you all those years ago?
Kanya: No...
Billy: It's because from the moment I first saw you, I just knew you were different. Your way of seeing the world is so...unique and innocent...and that's something that's hard to find but easy to lose...
on April 03, 2015

Kanya: I won't...unless you tell me to someday...but I have a feeling if that day comes...it won't be soon...um...-runs up and kisses his cheek, blushing, before running ahead toward the Shack-
on April 03, 2015
on March 12, 2015

Sorry you who requested membership! I have a system where all the members have to be signed up before a new member is accepted. There can only be ten people total and that helps me keep track of how many join! Also, from now on I'll be accepting you in order. In other words: FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!
on March 12, 2015

Name: Kanya
Age: 12
Looks: my profile picture
Fears: being alone, the dark, being alone in the dark
Likes: friendliness
Dislikes: jerks, death, stalkers (I'm looking at YOU, Billy!)
Crush (optional): none yet See More
Backstory (optional): Lazy Susan found her in the woods when she was a baby and took her to the Mystery Shack, where Stan raised her. She grew up calling him 'Grunkle Stan' and sometimes helps out at the Shack. One night when she was four, Billy showed up in her bedroom (the attic where the twins sleep) and they chatted for a while. He's been following her ever since.
Symbol: diamond
Power: immune to blue fire, NOPE bag, telekinesis but only with diamonds
My Cipher is Billy Cipher.
Age: 12
Looks: my profile picture
Fears: being alone, the dark, being alone in the dark
Likes: friendliness
Dislikes: jerks, death, stalkers (I'm looking at YOU, Billy!)
Crush (optional): none yet See More
Backstory (optional): Lazy Susan found her in the woods when she was a baby and took her to the Mystery Shack, where Stan raised her. She grew up calling him 'Grunkle Stan' and sometimes helps out at the Shack. One night when she was four, Billy showed up in her bedroom (the attic where the twins sleep) and they chatted for a while. He's been following her ever since.
Symbol: diamond
Power: immune to blue fire, NOPE bag, telekinesis but only with diamonds
My Cipher is Billy Cipher.
on March 12, 2015