My Chemical Romance Fans
This is a page that My Chemical Romance fans can meet up and talk and stuff, you can post anything related to Mcr, Have fun!
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Well it rains and it pours when you're out on your own. If I crash on the couch, can I sleep in my clothes. Cause I spent the night dancing, I'm drunk I suppose. If it looks like I'm laughing I'm really just asking to leave. This alone, you're in time for the show you're the one that I need. I'm the one that you loathe. You can watch me corrode like a beast in repose.Cause I love all the poison away with the boys in the band!
on August 25, 2017

I haven't been on in forever and i really really like @TylerWay
on August 25, 2017

I gave you blood. Blood, Gallons of the stuff. I gave you all that you could drink and it has never been enough. I gave you blood, blood, blood. I'm the kind of human wreakage that you love.
on June 02, 2017

on May 29, 2017

And through it all, how could you cry for me? Cause I don't feel bad about it. So shut your eyes kiss me good bye. And sleep. Just sleep. The hardest part is letting go of your dreams.

a drink for the horror that I'm in, For the good guys the bad guys for the monsters in our beds Three cheers for tyranny unapologetic apathy cause there's no way im coming back again
on August 27, 2017
on May 28, 2017