Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.

i went to florida for spring break, and caught a jellyfish, here what happened:
mom: havent you seen spongebob? put that down or your gonna get stung!
me: havent you seen finding nemo? the tops are safe
the n i left saying "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"
mom: havent you seen spongebob? put that down or your gonna get stung!
me: havent you seen finding nemo? the tops are safe
the n i left saying "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"

on April 18, 2014

awwwww you're soooo cuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *huuuugs u tightlyyyyyyy*
on April 18, 2014

Lol OK :3
on April 18, 2014

i will call u Lighty now!! its decided :D
on April 18, 2014

B) they be hatin'
on April 18, 2014
on March 30, 2014

That awkward moment when someone follows you Qfeast and you realize that you have no idea who they are....:-O

:-o okkkkkk XD i trust u :D ur actually one of the nicest guys on here... at first u seemed normal... but..after a bit of reflection i ended up feeling ur weird like that guy Para -_- :p :D well i keep my reviews for another day, in private chat secured with all the things u mentioned above :D
on April 19, 2014

I swear it was by coincedence, long story of how we becam e friends, I fell in love, and then got stabbed in the back by my best friend, but that's a story for another day, over private chat, with iron bars, and padlocks, and WiFi codes, and guard monkeyz
on April 19, 2014

on April 18, 2014
on March 26, 2014

That awkward moment when texts you a lot of emojis X-(:-c:-&:">&[]:brb:|-)O:-)>:):((:x:-B:-O:-*B):(;):)<3:D:-c:-B:((:(B)>:):-*:-c

:D mine dont swell, i hope they never do XD i would laugh to death at myself n not show my face in society -_-
on April 21, 2014

pineapple makes my tongue itchy n it sort of pricks etc -_- i cant get the correct english word here -_-
on April 19, 2014
on March 26, 2014

that awkward moment when you post an awkward moment and you realize that the one's been already posted...:-O

that happens a lot!!! my friend and i posted same thing.. that is what makes the page awkwaaaaaard :D
on April 07, 2014
on March 26, 2014

That awkward moment when your younger sibling's friend says really random and YOUR friend is there
on March 26, 2014

That awkward moment when you're cleaning your room and you find a random barbie doll head...:-O
on March 26, 2014

That awkward moment when someone waves in your direction and you wave beack, and then you realize that they're waving at someone behind you
on March 25, 2014

Dad: I'm happy that you're making your talents stronger...
Me: *grunts*
Dad: Running.....reading...violin...
Me: Sleeping
Me: *grunts*
Dad: Running.....reading...violin...
Me: Sleeping
on March 24, 2014

That awkwasd moment, when someone uploads a photo, then she writes with her another account a comment "Pretty (;" and then she answers with her 1st account "Thx :)" and she thinks no one understands...

the thing is that she commented with her 1st account that she is pretty herself and thanked with the account she uploaded that post :D
on March 26, 2014
on March 17, 2014

That awkward moment when you try to open the locker next to yours.

Lol it was funny cause one year the lockers had our names on them but I still tried to open someone else's >.<
on April 22, 2014
on March 16, 2014

MOM: i think the neighbors got a cow??
ME: why you say that?
MOM: didn't you hear that sound just now?? it was a cow!!
ME: that was just me blowing my nose, mom -_-
ME: why you say that?
MOM: didn't you hear that sound just now?? it was a cow!!
ME: that was just me blowing my nose, mom -_-

on March 14, 2014
on March 14, 2014

the awkward moment a little girl runs to me and hugs me and due to her height, her head goes right below THERE -_- ............... :D hehehe
on March 14, 2014

the awkward moment... -_- there was a transfer student at school yesterday. and she took my seat in sociology classes and french classes.. so i just went to sit somewhere else instead of telling her to get off MY seat X-( (well i should say that i'm possessive about my seat :D ) ... so then i went to sit behind (the class is not too full so "behind" was actually in the middle :D ) .. i leisurely sat down (as if i was on my sofa :D ) and the girl in front told me that someone See More actually sits in the empty chair beside me.. i said i didnt want anyone to sit with me (i was already angry my seat was taken -_- n wanted to be alooooone to mess up n continue my sofa pose :D ) the girl who had to sit next to me actually heard me -_- my friend pointed out who had to sit next to me -_- and i just turned my head to look and hide it once again (i really hid my head with both hands and simulated a sob :( ) i(m the worst -_- that was one of the most embarrassing, awkward moments -_- i just loudly said that i thought we were talking about someone else -_-
on March 14, 2014

friend: it takes a second to get a crush on someone, a day to fall in love, i month to get over them, and a lifetime to forget them
me: my mom forgot me in a parking lot once
me: my mom forgot me in a parking lot once
on March 06, 2014

the most awkward (and possible most inconvenient) this for a guy is to sneeze whilst shaving his face, happened to me... with a pocket knife

yeah Lighty i know it was a shock for u too to know para -_- dont worry we'll get over that trauma soon :D
on April 24, 2014

on April 17, 2014
on March 06, 2014

That awkward moment when your teacher sends you a friend request on Facebook .-. -.-

>_< !!!!!!!!!!!!! thats funny!!!!!!! my teachers stay away from their students cause they know we'll give them a hard time out of school toooooooo!!! :D
on March 14, 2014
on March 03, 2014

That awkward moment when you say "Goodbye!" to someone but you both walk off in the same direction.

yessss and i said goodbye cause i had nothing more to say to him -_- .. but it turned out we went allll the way to the same place walking quietly still thinking what to say (and by the time i realized i could say something we had already reached the place :D so i just talked quickly to say what i wanted :D )
on March 14, 2014
on March 03, 2014