Warrior cats RP!
This is the warrior cats RP page! Where you can make your own warriors. And own clans (if you want). Hope you enjoy!
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Name: Fallenstar
Age: 22 moons
Gender: She-cat
Looks: Brown tabby,with forest green eyes, a gray stripe middle of her tail and it broken there.
Personality: Stubborn,loyal,wise,kind,brave,and protective
Clan: Midnightclan
Mate:Spottedear: A white tom with brown spotted ears See More
Likes: Clan-mates,hunting,watching the sky, and their previous leader
Dislikes: Unknownclan, betrayers,kitty-pets, and leaf-bare
Backstory: When Fallenstar was just a kit. She had no name, but as she opened her eyes she started to climb. Yet she always fell down making her name Fallenkit. When she became Fallenpaw she was chosen to go to the Starclan stone, but her tail got ran over in the middle of the gray stripe on her tail and it looked like a Fallenmoon which was her warrior name.
Age: 22 moons
Gender: She-cat
Looks: Brown tabby,with forest green eyes, a gray stripe middle of her tail and it broken there.
Personality: Stubborn,loyal,wise,kind,brave,and protective
Clan: Midnightclan
Mate:Spottedear: A white tom with brown spotted ears See More
Likes: Clan-mates,hunting,watching the sky, and their previous leader
Dislikes: Unknownclan, betrayers,kitty-pets, and leaf-bare
Backstory: When Fallenstar was just a kit. She had no name, but as she opened her eyes she started to climb. Yet she always fell down making her name Fallenkit. When she became Fallenpaw she was chosen to go to the Starclan stone, but her tail got ran over in the middle of the gray stripe on her tail and it looked like a Fallenmoon which was her warrior name.
on January 05, 2018

on October 10, 2017

Introducing a brand-new clan! Presenting........................ECLIPSE CLAN!!!B)B)B)
on March 07, 2017

Rp anyone?

on March 27, 2017

Tsunamicrash: padded slowly around the territory scenting the air
on March 27, 2017

on March 07, 2017
on March 07, 2017

Rp anyone?

Cinderberry: stalked around the pine forest her gaze flitting through the trees her mouth open for scents
on March 07, 2017
on March 07, 2017

Name: Meadowpaw(soon to be Meadowheart)
Age: 5 moons
Looks: pic
Rank: Apprentice(soon to be warrior)
Personality: Nice, brave, competitive
Clan: Thunderclan
Mate/crush: Sharppaw(white with grey splotches tom) See More
Like: her sister(Ghostpetal), winning fights
Dislikes: losing in fights, being bossed around too much
Mentor(if mentor): Jaggedheart(grey shecat)
Age: 5 moons
Looks: pic
Rank: Apprentice(soon to be warrior)
Personality: Nice, brave, competitive
Clan: Thunderclan
Mate/crush: Sharppaw(white with grey splotches tom) See More
Like: her sister(Ghostpetal), winning fights
Dislikes: losing in fights, being bossed around too much
Mentor(if mentor): Jaggedheart(grey shecat)
on January 22, 2017

Name :Snowflake
Age 9
Looks: White fur
Eye color : Sky blue
Personality:Shy, kind,loyal,somewhat good hunter
Clan : Snowclan
Mate :Flake( Snowclan) See More
Likes: snow ,helping ,friends
Dislikes: Water,the dark
Age 9
Looks: White fur
Eye color : Sky blue
Personality:Shy, kind,loyal,somewhat good hunter
Clan : Snowclan
Mate :Flake( Snowclan) See More
Likes: snow ,helping ,friends
Dislikes: Water,the dark
on January 19, 2017

RP anyone?

(At gathering) Drizzleflower- Oh sorry Sandstar I didn't mean, this apprentice is fit to be a warrior.
on January 19, 2017
on January 19, 2017

Name: Drizzleflower
Age: 4 years and 7 moons
Looks: Light gray fur with silver fleck. Ice- blue eyes. 3 scars.
Personality: Kind, smart, good hunter, loyal, brave protective, she never wants to go to the river again.
Clan: Thunderclan
Mate: Darksky(River clan)
Likes: Mice and voles, meeting new kits, helping Hawkstar. See More
Dislikes: Fact that sister drowned, Gingertail, mousebile.
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years and 7 moons
Looks: Light gray fur with silver fleck. Ice- blue eyes. 3 scars.
Personality: Kind, smart, good hunter, loyal, brave protective, she never wants to go to the river again.
Clan: Thunderclan
Mate: Darksky(River clan)
Likes: Mice and voles, meeting new kits, helping Hawkstar. See More
Dislikes: Fact that sister drowned, Gingertail, mousebile.
Gender: Female
on January 19, 2017

Name: Shadowlight
Age: 4 years
Looks: black fur except for a white splotched muzzle, one eye sealed shut (it never opened when she was a kit), yellow eye(s?)
Personality: she is usually stand off-ish and salty, but very caring and loving tward those she cares for and friends and family. She is scared of being alone in every way, even tho she is a medicine cat and has StarClan around her at all times.
Clan: RiverClan
Mate: none, she is a medicine cat
Likes: berries, flowers, high See More herb stocks, friends and family, smooth stones, twoleg fires (how do they stay in one place!?)
Dislikes: cats getting hurt, being completely alone, starling meat, rude cats, dawn (the sun isnt up but the stars aren't out)
Backstory: originally a loner, got taken into the clan when she was 8 moons old. She had already learned about Clan customs so she imeadiately took on the StarClan aspect. She was so good, she ended up being a medicine cat.
Gender: female
Age: 4 years
Looks: black fur except for a white splotched muzzle, one eye sealed shut (it never opened when she was a kit), yellow eye(s?)
Personality: she is usually stand off-ish and salty, but very caring and loving tward those she cares for and friends and family. She is scared of being alone in every way, even tho she is a medicine cat and has StarClan around her at all times.
Clan: RiverClan
Mate: none, she is a medicine cat
Likes: berries, flowers, high See More herb stocks, friends and family, smooth stones, twoleg fires (how do they stay in one place!?)
Dislikes: cats getting hurt, being completely alone, starling meat, rude cats, dawn (the sun isnt up but the stars aren't out)
Backstory: originally a loner, got taken into the clan when she was 8 moons old. She had already learned about Clan customs so she imeadiately took on the StarClan aspect. She was so good, she ended up being a medicine cat.
Gender: female
on January 19, 2017

Ghostpetal: *sorting her herbs*
Ghostpetal: *sorting her herbs*

Jaggeheart: *looks at Blazepaw*
Meadowpaw: *Runs over* Can Blazepaw train with us?
Jaggedheart: Of course
Meadowpaw: *Runs over* Can Blazepaw train with us?
Jaggedheart: Of course
on February 03, 2017

Meadowpaw: She's over there! *points tail at where Jaggeheart is talking with other warriors*
on February 02, 2017
on January 19, 2017

Name: Ghostpetal
Age: 8moons
Looks: Pic
Personality: Kind, gentle, caring,sweet,serious at times,funny
Rank: Medicine cat (super experienced)
Clan: Thunderclan
Mate: None See More
Likes: Helping, rest,clan
Other: She has no apprentice and is a young medicine cat she had just recently became medicine cat but her mentor died
Age: 8moons
Looks: Pic
Personality: Kind, gentle, caring,sweet,serious at times,funny
Rank: Medicine cat (super experienced)
Clan: Thunderclan
Mate: None See More
Likes: Helping, rest,clan
Other: She has no apprentice and is a young medicine cat she had just recently became medicine cat but her mentor died
on January 19, 2017
Mousepaw: *Smells mouse.* *Silently stalks mouse.* *Pounces and kills mouse.* *Brings mouse home.* Hey, look what I caught!

on January 22, 2017
on May 09, 2016
Name: Mousespirit (currently Mousepaw)
Age: 7 moons
Looks: White fur with patches of light grey
Personality: Softspoken usually, but not afraid to make her voice heard when it counts. Mousepaw's favorite thing to do is hunt, but also enjoys relaxing. Is pretty fast, and her favorite food is mice.
Clan: WindClan
Mate: n/a
Likes: Hunting, relaxing, eating, sneaking up on people, twolegs See More
Dislikes: Fights, big dogs, being cornered, water
Backstory: n/a
Gender: She-cat
Age: 7 moons
Looks: White fur with patches of light grey
Personality: Softspoken usually, but not afraid to make her voice heard when it counts. Mousepaw's favorite thing to do is hunt, but also enjoys relaxing. Is pretty fast, and her favorite food is mice.
Clan: WindClan
Mate: n/a
Likes: Hunting, relaxing, eating, sneaking up on people, twolegs See More
Dislikes: Fights, big dogs, being cornered, water
Backstory: n/a
Gender: She-cat
on May 09, 2016

Name: ScarTail
Age:9 moons old
Looks: (picture..if I post it..)
Personality:meh..he doesn't really have any feels.But when he does he normally likes to joke around.And he gets involved in things when they get rough.He gets in trouble a lot,but mostly just tries to help a cat out.He also has Anxiety..sorta.
Likes: To stay hidden,then use the element of surprise See More
Dislikes:Getting caught.
Backstory:He was born in Thunderclan and had to get his warrior title early.He was forced to fight,and got a BIG scar on his tail..it sorta makes him look sexy.He gets in trouble EASY,and gets crushed on easy too!
Age:9 moons old
Looks: (picture..if I post it..)
Personality:meh..he doesn't really have any feels.But when he does he normally likes to joke around.And he gets involved in things when they get rough.He gets in trouble a lot,but mostly just tries to help a cat out.He also has Anxiety..sorta.
Likes: To stay hidden,then use the element of surprise See More
Dislikes:Getting caught.
Backstory:He was born in Thunderclan and had to get his warrior title early.He was forced to fight,and got a BIG scar on his tail..it sorta makes him look sexy.He gets in trouble EASY,and gets crushed on easy too!
on February 11, 2016

Name: FireBlaze(Firepaw..)
Age: 8 moons
Looks:very orange-y and has a blue eye and a green eye
Personality:Very Jumpy and sarcastic.She is very sneaky and feelings are easily hurt.
Likes:food. See More
Dislikes:being defeated.
Backstory:She is Firestar's smaller sister..she used to live in the forest since she hated twolegs.Then she stumbled upon Thunderclan.She was captured and held captive.Scartail snuck her out and she had to prove she was harmless.Then Scartail told BlueStar and so one.She doesn't know she is related to FireStar though..
Age: 8 moons
Looks:very orange-y and has a blue eye and a green eye
Personality:Very Jumpy and sarcastic.She is very sneaky and feelings are easily hurt.
Likes:food. See More
Dislikes:being defeated.
Backstory:She is Firestar's smaller sister..she used to live in the forest since she hated twolegs.Then she stumbled upon Thunderclan.She was captured and held captive.Scartail snuck her out and she had to prove she was harmless.Then Scartail told BlueStar and so one.She doesn't know she is related to FireStar though..
on February 11, 2016