Review My Story, Please!
Looking for opinions or advises about your story? Just post your story link here
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These are my favorite stories on qfeast; could you tell me how you like them and what needs to happen about them?
These are my favorite stories on qfeast; could you tell me how you like them and what needs to happen about them?

My Poetry
Title's pretty self-explanatory. This ranges a lot from dark and scary to light and happy!!!
on May 30, 2014
Please review as i would like to know what you think of it and i worked hard on ig
Please review as i would like to know what you think of it and i worked hard on ig

Under the moonlight
This is a story as you idea what else to say but..hope you enjoy ^_^

An amazing monster story, and it's refreshing how the POV is that of a werepire, and it shows how she isn't exactly evil. Good job!
on July 01, 2014
on May 24, 2014
Opinions? I wanna know what everyone thinks...
Opinions? I wanna know what everyone thinks...

The Legend Of Pokemon
This is the story for the contest at Qfeast Contest Page! Join the page if you'd like for other contests and this contest! But, anyways, let me get to the summary. Link wakes up one morning and walks to his window, when he notices, the land is covered in Pokemon! He isn't sure what they are, but makes friends with them quickly. Then, as another comes along, he must say goodbye to the creatures. This takes place in Wind Waker on Outset Island.
on May 24, 2014

[A short preview of my up-coming story, "Celestial". This is a rewrite of my very famous story.]
The town of Ponyville never stopped for silence, not even at night. The dirt road were crowded. Corner to corner, every patch of ground covered by colourful beings. Ponies from various towns try to lure passing bystanders, none listening. The cheerful crowd all lead to a elegant building, right in the middle of Town Square.
The town of Ponyville never stopped for silence, not even at night. The dirt road were crowded. Corner to corner, every patch of ground covered by colourful beings. Ponies from various towns try to lure passing bystanders, none listening. The cheerful crowd all lead to a elegant building, right in the middle of Town Square.

Cool! Although here, "The town of Ponyville never stopped for silence, not even at night. The dirt road were crowded." The phrase should be: The dirt road was crowded, not were crowded. I can't wait for the story!
on July 01, 2014
on April 17, 2014

Hogwarts Karaoke Night!!!
All of our dear Hogwarts students (and 1 teacher) have boldly decided to sign up for the one, the only, HOGWARTS KARAOKE NIGHT!!! Caution: Chaos will insue
on April 15, 2014

Hi Qfeast So I actually have a question about the stories ummm is it possible for us to include pictures In the story like in my one story I want to have an outfit to show what Julie is going to wear to lily's house to help those who are reading my story visualize what she is wearing thanks ~Madison

Ya I was trying to say like attach an extra photo like to show an outfit someone might be wearing thanks for replying :D
on February 10, 2014

You can attach a photo to each chapter of your story. If you need something more, we are listening ...
Thank you for any idea from you
Thank you for any idea from you
on February 10, 2014

on February 10, 2014
on February 10, 2014

Does it have to be a story on Qfeast?
on February 05, 2014

The Hunger Games: Sophie Roberts
This is the story about the annual 34th Hunger Games! You will travel with the 14 year old girl, Sophie Roberts.

1. Whoa it worked!
2. I will try and continue this soon, when I have the time. This is my first story on here, and I didn't know what to do it on, so sorry if you don't like it. Please no hateful comments, but you can say suggestions on how to make it better. Thanks! :)
2. I will try and continue this soon, when I have the time. This is my first story on here, and I didn't know what to do it on, so sorry if you don't like it. Please no hateful comments, but you can say suggestions on how to make it better. Thanks! :)
on February 04, 2014
on February 04, 2014
This is very good story written by Parabolic!
This is very good story written by Parabolic!

Fear of the End
Ik' than kon lok' (a character I made up) faces the end of his draconian race as he knows it. The humans of the town of Farwind believe that the draconians are evil and have been stealing from their town, and have decided that they are done with all of their half dragon neighbors and wish to slaughter all of them.
on January 29, 2014
Another book!!
Another book!!

Suri is a Halfer, part animal part human, a newly discovered human species. Of course, they've been here longer than that. Each species of Halfer has their own clan spread across the world. Suri just happens to be in the Fahn Clan, whom is made up of wolves. The problem is that she is not a wolf, rather a leopard. But she was adopted into the family by the leader's son. The world hasn't really accepted Halfers yet, although they go to the same school as humans. They have to hide their animal features, for Suri, it's as easy as breathing. But for other Halfers, it proves to be difficult.
She is constantly being abused by her adoptive brother, who fears she may be the next leader. What will happen when she chooses to break free from her clan?
on January 29, 2014
Please tell me what you guys think good and bad!
Please tell me what you guys think good and bad!

This is a story that I have written down a few years ago, instead of it just laying there, why not let people read it? So yea.. Here it is
This story tells about how I, Yunno Stabler, Became a Celestrain, Half Angel Half Demon. I know what you are thinking. Really now? But it's true! My life used to be so simple.... so normal, now it's all jacked up with demons and fighting and my mother and all of this other freaky crap. So yea, This is a story of how I am almost killed (multiple times), fight evil demons, and somehow find time to fall in love... Welcome to my life...

The perfect combination of all different types of stories.The characters are great and consistent, the story has a great plot, and a good narative. The Celestrians idea was very clever as it is (at least I think) original and almost everyone can enjoy it. A great story! As @Celestine says "BEST STORY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
on February 22, 2014
on January 29, 2014

on January 29, 2014
Please tell me what you think!! This is my first and most popular story...I would like feedback and advice! Also, please tell me if you would like another chapter! Thanks! :D
Please tell me what you think!! This is my first and most popular story...I would like feedback and advice! Also, please tell me if you would like another chapter! Thanks! :D

Hi, and thanks for coming! :D This is a new story I've started. It's about what happens when Little Mix and Ariana Grande are cloned...with EVIL clones OMG!!!!
on January 29, 2014
Although, some of the chapters aren't exactly poetry, but very descriptive paragraphs, like Night is Bright. Try to add more rhythm to make it a freeverse poem