Pizza Lovers Unite!
This is a great page where all of the Pizza lovers in the world unite and talk about Pizza. And you must recite the Pizza alphabet to join. A - Pizza B - Pizza C - Pizza D - Crust E - Crust F - Crust G - Cheese H - Cheese I - Cheese J - Cheese K - Sauce L - Sauce M - Sauce N - Sauce O - Sauce P - Sauce Q - Pizza R - Pizza S - Pizzza T - Pizzza U - Pizzza V - Pie W - Pie X - Pie Y - Pizza Z - Pizza Pizza XD
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The polls for Pizza Lovers Unite! Pizza Verdict Case 05 - Thick Crust Pizza close in 2 days! Act fast!
on September 01, 2018

Pizza Lovers Unite! Pizza Verdict Case 05 - Thick Crust Pizza. Is it Worthy or Unworthy? Comment!!! :D

on September 01, 2018
on September 01, 2018

If you have any type of pizza you'd like to have in the next pizza verdict, then just comment below! HAPPY PIZZZAAAAAA!!!!
on August 31, 2018

The polls on Pizza Verdict Case 04 - Pepperoni Pizza are now closed. The votes are shown as following:
Batim17 - Worthy
Luigi25 - Worthy
DerpyDerpJuice - Worthy
FireSpark56 - Worthy
By the supreme council of pizza, Pizza Lovers Unite rules Pepperoni Pizza SUPER MEGA WORTHY, since all have voted in favor!
Batim17 - Worthy
Luigi25 - Worthy
DerpyDerpJuice - Worthy
FireSpark56 - Worthy
By the supreme council of pizza, Pizza Lovers Unite rules Pepperoni Pizza SUPER MEGA WORTHY, since all have voted in favor!

on August 31, 2018
on August 31, 2018

Polls on Pizza Verdict Case 04 - Pepperoni Pizza close tomorrow morning! Act fast! :)
on August 31, 2018

on August 29, 2018

Pizza Lovers Unite! Pizza Verdict Case 04 - Pepperoni Pizza. Is it Worthy or Unworthy? Comment below!
on August 29, 2018

If you want a pizza of your choice in the next pizza verdict, comment below! First comment wins!
on August 28, 2018

The polls on Pizza Verdict Case 03 - Cheese Pizza are now closed. The votes are shown as following:
FireSpark56 - Worthy
DerpyDerpJuice - Worthy
Luigi25 - Worthy
Hikari_Chan - Worthy
By the supreme council of pizza, Pizza Lovers Unite has voted all Worthy, making this our first SUPER MEGA WORTHY verdict!!!
FireSpark56 - Worthy
DerpyDerpJuice - Worthy
Luigi25 - Worthy
Hikari_Chan - Worthy
By the supreme council of pizza, Pizza Lovers Unite has voted all Worthy, making this our first SUPER MEGA WORTHY verdict!!!
on August 28, 2018

on August 28, 2018

on August 28, 2018

i like pineapple pizza best
on August 27, 2018

Pizza Lovers Unite! Pizza Verdict Case 03 - Cheese Pizza. Is it Worthy or Unworthy? Comment below!

My favorite pizza is pepperoni pizza, but cheese pizza is still pretty great, so I give it my first Worthy!
on August 27, 2018
on August 27, 2018

If no pizza case requests are commented by tomorrow, I'll figure out the next pizza case!
on August 27, 2018

Now I want pizza like all the time kinda wish I can zap food into my hand
on August 26, 2018

If anyone has any pizzas you want in the next Pizza Case, then comment below!!! :D :D :D I love that emoji way too much. XD
on August 26, 2018

When I go to school I get either pizza crunchers or cheese pizza I'm not a fan of meat since I don't eat meat

Yeah, I usually don't like sausage or stuff like that on pizza, but I do love pepperoni pizza!
on August 26, 2018
on August 26, 2018

Okay, the polls on Pizza Verdict Case 02 - Meatlovers Pizza has closed. The votes are shown as following:
Wassupeeps - Unworthy
Luigi25 - Unworthy
FireSpark56 - Worthy
Hikari_Chan - Unworthy
DerpyDerpJuice - Unworthy
By ruling of the supreme council of pizza, Pizza Lovers Unite rules Meatlovers Pizza Unworthy.
Wassupeeps - Unworthy
Luigi25 - Unworthy
FireSpark56 - Worthy
Hikari_Chan - Unworthy
DerpyDerpJuice - Unworthy
By ruling of the supreme council of pizza, Pizza Lovers Unite rules Meatlovers Pizza Unworthy.
on August 26, 2018