on June 14, 2019

We're having fAmIlY tiMe and I sang even though my throat is not that good
on June 14, 2019

Tbh ,..
dont feel bad to dump few friends who misguide you or sugarcoat and push you away from truth . I had this one friend who was a real bitchh . Although I hate to break friendships I left her as she is petty and just a s n a k e .
dont feel bad to dump few friends who misguide you or sugarcoat and push you away from truth . I had this one friend who was a real bitchh . Although I hate to break friendships I left her as she is petty and just a s n a k e .
on June 14, 2019

Good news
My father is okay with my life decisions and its good he finally is kinda accepting
My father is okay with my life decisions and its good he finally is kinda accepting
on June 14, 2019

And also boostyn please leave this issue to your friend to handle by herself and maybe stop cursing?? You're literally spoiling the issue you know like , pouring gasoline at a burning flame . oh wait u blocked me so u wont see this but mkay
on June 14, 2019

Btw I lost my bb red panda plushie Im sad
on June 14, 2019

,,Sometimes we have to learn to accept mistakes, feel at least a bit guilty and then move on. Not defending till everyone gets fed up and expect forgiveness
on June 14, 2019

I miss my bud shal
on June 14, 2019

The drama literally ended and then you go on talking about it when you should be taking a break and expect none to slap at you back???
on June 14, 2019

Gonna post my baby pic
on June 14, 2019

on June 14, 2019

Well shit

hey im sorry i blocked you on hoshi i just wanted positive vibes and your account was reminding me of brea-
on June 14, 2019

Yeah I am upset
I was hungry and my parents are asking me to help with chores and I DONt WanT to -
Yeah I am upset
I was hungry and my parents are asking me to help with chores and I DONt WanT to -
on June 14, 2019

on June 14, 2019
on June 14, 2019