I have to go now, I don't know when I'll be back. My Instagram and Twitter are in my bio, but I'll put them here too:
Instagram: @rrreostell (main), @melokkuro (art)
Twitter: @REOSTELL
Instagram: @rrreostell (main), @melokkuro (art)
Twitter: @REOSTELL

OK it was nice meeting you again! i missed you, i wondered where u were
on April 17, 2021
on April 17, 2021

on April 17, 2021

oh yeah also my cat is doing well!! being a brat as usual. but i still love her.
on April 17, 2021

I'm just following a bunch of random people and praying that at least one of them is one of the friends I had on here that I lost contact with LMAO

bruh i Have changed alot i used to scream and be annoying all the time i’ve toned it down with the screaming but Ya
on April 17, 2021

LMAO I'M NOT SURPRISED, QFEAST IS ALWAYS A SHITHOLE BAHAHAH. ALSO IT'S FINE YOU'RE COOL!! i never thought you were annoying tbh you were always pretty cool @southparkestellaismywife420
on April 17, 2021

on April 17, 2021

on April 17, 2021
on April 17, 2021

I don't know everyone's new users, I've only managed to find Aki and Brea. I'm going to stay online for a little bit longer, but after that I'm going to go so I can talk to my joyfriend and get going for the day. I'll put my Instagram and Twitter in my bio if you guys want to talk there.
on April 17, 2021

I was taking a shower when I randomly remembered that this site exists. I realized I haven't been on here for a long time and that I haven't given any updates. I think a few people were wondering what happened to me, so I'll give an update on what's happened in the past... God, year or so? Either way, it's been a long time.
I've been really busy with school. I no longer do theatre as my health isn't good enough for me to continue. It sucks, but I have more free time now. I've See More moved over to song covers, which I believe I've promoted on here once? That was quite a while ago, and I've released more stuff since then. I'm very active in the Online Entertainment community on Instagram. I haven't released anything for a while because of my schedule but I do plan on it.
I've actually met a very wonderful person who I am proud to call my significant other. Their name is Ari and their pronouns are they/them and I love them so much. They're an amazing person who has been supporting me for the past couple of years or so. They're such an incredible person, I'm very grateful that I met them. I'm not sure where to start, honestly. They're very perceptive and pick up on others' emotions very quickly. They can usually tell how you're feeling without needing to say anything. They're an incredibly caring person who always puts others before themselves. I really admire that about them, but I really wish they would prioritize their own needs too. They're a 05 liner like me, however, they're older than me by a few months. I met them through the OE community, actually! They haven't released any official covers yet, but you may know them through my collab on the song "It's Dark!" along with Lulu and JJ, credited under the name Ahri. They're a very talented vocalist and rapper. We share a lot of interests. When I say a lot, I mean a LOT. I'm not sure how to properly describe their personality without it just turning into me rambling about how great they are and how much I love them, but they're an ENFP 2w3 sx/so sanguine-phlegmatic if that's any help, haha.
I've been really busy with school. I no longer do theatre as my health isn't good enough for me to continue. It sucks, but I have more free time now. I've See More moved over to song covers, which I believe I've promoted on here once? That was quite a while ago, and I've released more stuff since then. I'm very active in the Online Entertainment community on Instagram. I haven't released anything for a while because of my schedule but I do plan on it.
I've actually met a very wonderful person who I am proud to call my significant other. Their name is Ari and their pronouns are they/them and I love them so much. They're an amazing person who has been supporting me for the past couple of years or so. They're such an incredible person, I'm very grateful that I met them. I'm not sure where to start, honestly. They're very perceptive and pick up on others' emotions very quickly. They can usually tell how you're feeling without needing to say anything. They're an incredibly caring person who always puts others before themselves. I really admire that about them, but I really wish they would prioritize their own needs too. They're a 05 liner like me, however, they're older than me by a few months. I met them through the OE community, actually! They haven't released any official covers yet, but you may know them through my collab on the song "It's Dark!" along with Lulu and JJ, credited under the name Ahri. They're a very talented vocalist and rapper. We share a lot of interests. When I say a lot, I mean a LOT. I'm not sure how to properly describe their personality without it just turning into me rambling about how great they are and how much I love them, but they're an ENFP 2w3 sx/so sanguine-phlegmatic if that's any help, haha.

My mental health is much better than it was when I was last active on here. I'm not sure if I mentioned this in one of my previous updates but I got an official diagnosis for PTSD, anxiety and depression which I am now medicated for. I officially ended therapy in around July/August of 2020. It was a very emotional experience but I'm very proud of the progress See More I've made. I still have my moments and of course, life is like a rollercoaster, but it's a lot better than it was before. Speaking of which, I actually came out to my parents as transgender sometime between late 2019 to early 2020. They were surprisingly accepting of me and I will hopefully be starting testosterone this year. I still need to see a psychologist, but I've been approved to start once that happens. I was very emotional when I found out but in a good way.
on April 17, 2021

I don't think my interests have changed much. I still very much love Kpop and particularly NCT, but I believe my interests have branched out a bit. I'm not sure if I've ever expressed it on here but I'm really into Aikatsu, Bandori and D4DJ now. I haven't posted about D4DJ before because it's a fairly new franchise but I feel like I've talked about Aikatsu at See More some point. I REALLY LOVE OMORI if you can't tell by my Hero profile picture and Omori username. I actually kin Hero, haha. I'm absolutely in love with this game, please play it if you ever get the chance. You know how I said Ari and I share a lot of interests? Yeah. Almost all of those things I listed are things they love too. They're the one who got me into Omori, actually. I'm very happy they did because Jesus Christ what a wild ride.
on April 17, 2021

I realized that my previous relationship with Rachel otherwise referred to as "Rai" or "Reiche" (by the way, she is not Japanese! She is white. I refuse to refer to her by those names anymore) was very toxic. At the time I thought she was such a great person who was the one for me, but she wasn't. As you guys may know, we broke up sometime in September of 2019. See More After I got out of that relationship, it took me a while, but I realized how badly she treated me. She did a lot of things to me that a lot of people would say is unacceptable, and I did not realize it or think much of it until it was over. I usually disregarded them because it was "in the past" and "she's changed now" but I realized that wasn't the case at all. I am no longer in contact with her and I do not wish to be. Ari has been very understanding of me and very patient with me in regards to my trauma regarding her + my other past experiences which I am very grateful for.
on April 17, 2021
on April 17, 2021