look at me now because of DL!
on November 23, 2020

look at me right now blue eyes means normal and red eyes means evil!
on November 23, 2020

so what you guys want to talk about? :3

@southparkestellaismywife420 they werent really the one doing it it was mostly that blossom kid
@Yuzu_Senpai thats greatly appreciated thank you :)
@Yuzu_Senpai thats greatly appreciated thank you :)
on November 23, 2020

i appreciate how you are being serious and admitting youre faking it instead of lying like most, but its still disgusting and you shouldn’t fake it or joke like that?? @yuzu_senpai
on November 23, 2020

@Yuzu_Senpai thank you thats dearly appreciated, could you tell the other two what i have said as well? for i have no desire to talk to either one, you however seem like a nicer person, thank you for understanding what i have said
on November 23, 2020
on November 23, 2020

on November 23, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you? UMMM...weird but okay and love fire, blood!
on November 22, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you? it reminds me of DL so yes! >////<
on November 22, 2020