muffmuff40 has become a member of the page

Anime Lover Page (Anime Lovers Only)
on November 12, 2014

Aah! how do you have so many followers?!? :((

I'm following over 3000 people.
on November 19, 2014

@MockingjayDistrict still thats fast in just one year
on November 19, 2014

Well, I've been here for almost a year so...
on November 15, 2014
on November 11, 2014

one time me and my sister were getting on the bus to go home and the bus doesnt leave for like 10 minutes so me and my sis decided we would go to bathroom( we were little kids btw) since we still had time and we told the bus driver to wait for us. We left and when we came back we saw all of the buses leaving and we panicked so we started running to a random bus cuz our buz already left without us. the principal saw us (this was at school) and asked what was wrong we told her and See More they had to call the bus driver to come back and get us and my friends on that bus didnt even notice we were gone and the bus driver said she forgot about us... we were the only ones she has ever left behind :(:( it was embarrassing
on November 03, 2014

on November 02, 2014

on October 23, 2014

Your invited to my birthday bash January 1
To RSVP you could subscribe to my birthday bash page and or become a member!
To RSVP you could subscribe to my birthday bash page and or become a member!
on October 20, 2014

You are officially invited to my b-day on qfeast on halloween from 7:00 pm till 12:00 pm
on October 20, 2014

Thanks for the follow! :D
on October 05, 2014