morgan5021 created a story

Birth month stuff
on July 02, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
This is the last chapter of this story!
The 'Please understand me' Squad: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
The 'I don't know, you pick' Squad: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces
The 'Cuddle' Squad: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo
The 'Emotion hider' Squad: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
The 'Sarcastic' Squad: Gemini, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, Aquarius
What the signs like
Aries: Parties
Taurus: Concerts
Gemini: Netflix
Canc... Read Full Chapter
The 'Please understand me' Squad: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
The 'I don't know, you pick' Squad: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces
The 'Cuddle' Squad: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo
The 'Emotion hider' Squad: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
The 'Sarcastic' Squad: Gemini, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, Aquarius
What the signs like
Aries: Parties
Taurus: Concerts
Gemini: Netflix
Canc... Read Full Chapter
on July 02, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
You share your sign with:
Sorry if this chapter is not that good. This is a remake. The first one was fine but I could not post it and the screen was frozen so I had to delete it. In the original chapter I said something like: Thank you for reading! BUT the will ALL be related to anime!!! It is most likely going to end at 100 chapters but I might do more... Well! I'm Boring you aren't I? Well onto the chapter!
Aries: James Franco
Taurus: David Beckham
Gemini: Dave Franco
Cancer: Luke Hemmings
Leo: Shawn Mendes
... Read Full Chapter
Aries: James Franco
Taurus: David Beckham
Gemini: Dave Franco
Cancer: Luke Hemmings
Leo: Shawn Mendes
... Read Full Chapter
on July 02, 2017
I'm having difficulties posting the next chapter...
Ugh! I'm gonna have to remake it. X-(
on July 02, 2017
on July 02, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
When they're angry you should...
Give them space: Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini
RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN: Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn. Leo
Sorry for the short Chapter! Read Full Chapter
RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN: Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn. Leo
Sorry for the short Chapter! Read Full Chapter
on July 02, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
____ Mind and ____ Voice
Loud Mind and Quiet Voice: Cancer, Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra
Loud Mind and Loud Voice: Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius
Quiet Mind and Loud Voice: Virgo, Aries, Scorpio
Quiet Mind and Quiet Voice: Pisces, Taurus Read Full Chapter
Loud Mind and Loud Voice: Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius
Quiet Mind and Loud Voice: Virgo, Aries, Scorpio
Quiet Mind and Quiet Voice: Pisces, Taurus Read Full Chapter
on July 02, 2017
morgan5021 asked a question

Do you have any questions about me? Do you have any questions? You can ask about anythi...
on July 01, 2017
morgan5021 asked a question

What do you think about cosplaying? I just want to know what you think about cosplaying.
on July 01, 2017
Tomorrow I will be going to Tennessee so I won't be able to post anything fr the next 5 days.
on June 24, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
What sign the signs can't stand
Aries: Gemini
Taurus: Cancer
Gemini: Taurus
Cancer: Capricorn
Leo: Scorpio
Virgo: Sagittarius
Libra: Aries
Scorpio: Aquarius
Sagittarius: Virgo
Capricorn: Libra
Aquarius: Pisces
Pisces: Leo Read Full Chapter
Taurus: Cancer
Gemini: Taurus
Cancer: Capricorn
Leo: Scorpio
Virgo: Sagittarius
Libra: Aries
Scorpio: Aquarius
Sagittarius: Virgo
Capricorn: Libra
Aquarius: Pisces
Pisces: Leo Read Full Chapter
on June 20, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
The signs playing Charlie Charlie
Aries: Pfft this is so stu- OH MY GOD IT MOVED!
Taurus: Pretends not to be scared but is more scared than anyone there
Gemini: They're just moving it... right?
Cancer: Mom, I need to get baptized
Leo: *Is in a closet far away*
Virgo: *Is singing good luck charlie*
Libra: Jesus is with me *shivers*
Scorpio: *Pencil moves* AHHHHHHH
Sagittarius: I need my bible
Capricorn: The pencils are somehow in the ceiling
Aquarius: I'll just watch it on youtube
Pisces: *wrapped up in a blanket*... Read Full Chapter
Taurus: Pretends not to be scared but is more scared than anyone there
Gemini: They're just moving it... right?
Cancer: Mom, I need to get baptized
Leo: *Is in a closet far away*
Virgo: *Is singing good luck charlie*
Libra: Jesus is with me *shivers*
Scorpio: *Pencil moves* AHHHHHHH
Sagittarius: I need my bible
Capricorn: The pencils are somehow in the ceiling
Aquarius: I'll just watch it on youtube
Pisces: *wrapped up in a blanket*... Read Full Chapter
on June 16, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
The truth about the signs?
Aries: Nice and generous
Taurus: Creative and fun
Gemini: Emotional
Cancer: Not a crybaby
Leo: Extremely insecure deep down
Virgo: Doesn't like to be bossed around
Libra: Will and can be rude if they want to
Scorpio: Just wants to be loved
Sagittarius: Tries to do nice things for people
Capricorn: A procrastinator
Aquarius: Really smart
Pisces: Very trustworthy Read Full Chapter
Taurus: Creative and fun
Gemini: Emotional
Cancer: Not a crybaby
Leo: Extremely insecure deep down
Virgo: Doesn't like to be bossed around
Libra: Will and can be rude if they want to
Scorpio: Just wants to be loved
Sagittarius: Tries to do nice things for people
Capricorn: A procrastinator
Aquarius: Really smart
Pisces: Very trustworthy Read Full Chapter
on June 10, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
The signs got sunburned because
I fell asleep on the beach: Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
I forgot to put on sunscreen: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
I thought I wouldn't get sunburned: Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Virgo Read Full Chapter
I forgot to put on sunscreen: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
I thought I wouldn't get sunburned: Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Virgo Read Full Chapter
on June 10, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
I put the "____" in the ____
Pisces and Aquarius put the "hot" in psychotic
Scorpio and Libra put the "fun" in funeral
Aries and Leo put the "laughter" in slaughter
Cancer and Virgo put the "sass" in assassin
Sagittarius and Gemini put the "oo" in blood
Capricorn and Taurus put the "ay" in slay Read Full Chapter
Scorpio and Libra put the "fun" in funeral
Aries and Leo put the "laughter" in slaughter
Cancer and Virgo put the "sass" in assassin
Sagittarius and Gemini put the "oo" in blood
Capricorn and Taurus put the "ay" in slay Read Full Chapter
on May 31, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
You can count on the signs to.....
You can count on Aries and Leo to stand up for you.
You can count on Cancer and Virgo to understand you.
You can count on Gemini and Sagittarius to make you laugh.
You can count on Capricorn and Pisces to cheer you up.
You can count on Libra and Scorpio to make you feel special.
You can count on Aquarius and Taurus to be weird with you.
I'm sorry I have not posted anything for a while. I have been watching as much anime as I can before summer is over. I've watched over 100 episo... Read Full Chapter
You can count on Cancer and Virgo to understand you.
You can count on Gemini and Sagittarius to make you laugh.
You can count on Capricorn and Pisces to cheer you up.
You can count on Libra and Scorpio to make you feel special.
You can count on Aquarius and Taurus to be weird with you.
I'm sorry I have not posted anything for a while. I have been watching as much anime as I can before summer is over. I've watched over 100 episo... Read Full Chapter
on May 31, 2017
morgan5021 uploaded a photo

on May 22, 2017
morgan5021 created a poll

Are you going to Indy popcon 2017?
on May 22, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
What your horoscope probably says about you
Aries: You will do great things
Taurus: You are one of a kind
Gemini: You lift people's spirit
Cancer: You brighten everyone's day
Leo: You are stronger in more ways than one
Virgo: You make people smile
Libra: Your laugh is like music to everyone's ears
Scorpio: You are unique
Sagittarius: You can do anything
Capricorn: Your kindness is beautiful
Aquarius: You are stronger than you think
Pisces: You are important
I'm sorry for not posting for a while. I was busy. But now
since... Read Full Chapter
Taurus: You are one of a kind
Gemini: You lift people's spirit
Cancer: You brighten everyone's day
Leo: You are stronger in more ways than one
Virgo: You make people smile
Libra: Your laugh is like music to everyone's ears
Scorpio: You are unique
Sagittarius: You can do anything
Capricorn: Your kindness is beautiful
Aquarius: You are stronger than you think
Pisces: You are important
I'm sorry for not posting for a while. I was busy. But now
since... Read Full Chapter
on May 22, 2017
morgan5021 added a new chapter to Horoscope Signs
I'm scared they'll ___ so I ____.
Aries: I'm scared they won't hear me so I talk louder
Taurus: I'm scared they meed more so I'm giving my all
Gemini: I'm scared they won't like me so I become another
Cancer: I'm scared they will leave me so I don't let them in
Leo: I'm scared they'll forget me so I keep reminding them i'm here
Virgo: I'm scared they'll find better so I keep being the best
Libra: I'm scared of their opinions so I silence mine
Scorpio: I'm scared they will hurt me (mentally) so I won't let them know me... Read Full Chapter
Taurus: I'm scared they meed more so I'm giving my all
Gemini: I'm scared they won't like me so I become another
Cancer: I'm scared they will leave me so I don't let them in
Leo: I'm scared they'll forget me so I keep reminding them i'm here
Virgo: I'm scared they'll find better so I keep being the best
Libra: I'm scared of their opinions so I silence mine
Scorpio: I'm scared they will hurt me (mentally) so I won't let them know me... Read Full Chapter
on May 09, 2017