milfs's Starred Polls - Page 5
milfs has 114 starred polls
Is facebook and Instagram created by the same people ?
Do you think facebook and instagram are the most noticed social medias ?
Who do you dislike more?

Who's better for Mabel Pines?
Is your first anime Pokemon ?
which anime is the best? <3 o3o
what show out of these do you like most?

Best Fandom? (books/movies)
Do you like babies?

Would you rather (5)

:-) vs :) ?

Do YOU spell it as gray or grey?

Pokemon XY or Pokemon BW?

Would You Rather Be Stereotypically Female or Stereotypically Male?

Piercing or Tattoo?

Do you pick truth or dare?

Where do you spend the most time on qfeast?
How was the world created?

Which cartoon do you like?