Alex was a lovely girl who was always spending time in her garden. She says she hates killing, but she has a dirty little secret. Jeff almost kills her, but he can't bring himself to do it. They get in a fight and without meaning to, he stumbles upon a corpse in her closet. Alexandra is soon killed by Jane the killer. Alex is very secretive and mysterious, but for the most part she's pretty sexy.
You are red! You can be hot-headed at times, but that is because you care a lot about others. You are actually loyal and trying to do what is best for others.
Peril: Well Haze, do your like her or not? Hazen: She's okay Peril: So yes or no? Like I care anyways Hazen -_- its a yes Peril: Alright than Hazen: Whatever, so wanna become the queen of demons with me? You: *grinning* of course I will Hazen *kisses* Hazen: *blushing* Peril: Gross just gross