on July 31, 2014

I am still sick :-& not that people care :( It does not help that I realised I need to lose like 3 pounds I've gotten so fat
on July 28, 2014

I AM DYING :x why won't my misery end all ready X-( I just want to go to sleep is that to much to ask
on July 25, 2014

Can't sleep :(( I hate being ill :-& I just want to go back into the lovely land made of clouds that only appear when i am dreaming about my little ponies and the care bares |-)
on July 24, 2014

someone help me the most horrid thing in the world has happend i'm bored :((

Yup :D but they kinda slacked off cause lets say I am intense when it comes to school stuff and having a limited amount of time
on July 22, 2014

lucky you but i am a english genius so i have to go to them classes but sciance and english are on the same days so i'm left alone
on July 22, 2014

I went to a math and science camp thingy at my school and it turned out that they also went and we stayed together
on July 22, 2014
on July 22, 2014


The Lol is for the fact that you got true love and including you I've already got 10 true lovers so :D
on July 21, 2014

explain the LOL please otherwise i might have to assume that you are mentally unstable and we would not want that:p
on July 21, 2014
on July 21, 2014

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Will we be good friends or not or maybe it's love?(girls only)
on July 21, 2014

Hi. U new?

it never really occurred to me to actually join qfeast:p but considering the amount of time i spent on hear i proberly should of
on July 21, 2014

on July 21, 2014

@meMEme13 Ok! Have fun! I guess I'll be your efriend. :D How long you been doing it? (Qfeast)
on July 21, 2014
on July 20, 2014

on July 18, 2014

on July 17, 2014