life update since I'm never here :)
- still living in orlando and I currently work in diagon alley @ universal !
- my roommate and i are moving a to a nicer apartment in late may
- i have a new boyfriend who works at disney
- i am almost 6 months on T!
- my mental health is a lot better. i don't think I've felt so normal and okay.
- still living in orlando and I currently work in diagon alley @ universal !
- my roommate and i are moving a to a nicer apartment in late may
- i have a new boyfriend who works at disney
- i am almost 6 months on T!
- my mental health is a lot better. i don't think I've felt so normal and okay.
on March 11, 2022

there's constantly new content posted on here and none of it is from ppl i follow lmao
on December 08, 2021

also i have a new carrd and I think its pretty cool so you should look at it

on October 17, 2021

this site is literally dying pls follow me on twitter where I am actually active and sometimes entertaining
if u don't have twitter i also have instagram and tik tok
(my username for everything is sewerwolvez)
if u don't have twitter i also have instagram and tik tok
(my username for everything is sewerwolvez)
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on October 17, 2021

on July 29, 2021

i can now cross fall out boy and green day off my live show bucket list :)
ive already seen weezer tho
ive already seen weezer tho

on July 29, 2021
on July 29, 2021

i’m 18 but i’ve been on this hell site for almost a decade now. i’m not going anywhere. being 18 online isn’t a crime- get a grip. as long as you aren’t inappropriately engaging with minors you are not a groomer. y’all weird
on June 25, 2021

i hate dream stans and dream but my boyfriend is a casual dream fan so i’ll let it slide just once
on June 12, 2021

on June 04, 2021

lesbians who complain abt the gay flag and call it lesbophobic are so weird. it’s a flag. get a grip

the only reason they give for not liking it is that it’s a “recolor of the sunset lesbian flag” which is just blatantly not true. the “toothpaste flag” has existed for much longer and the previous lesbian flag is a recolor of the bear flag.
on June 03, 2021
on June 03, 2021

on May 25, 2021

hi life update !
i got accepted into the disney college program so i’m gonna be working in Disneyworld for a few months! very excited :)
i got accepted into the disney college program so i’m gonna be working in Disneyworld for a few months! very excited :)
on May 25, 2021

hi will i love ur carrd's name i like radiohead :)
on May 20, 2021