on June 06, 2017

possible tw but mostly bitchy
tbh i hope takamina gets ass raped with a bowling ball
tbh i hope takamina gets ass raped with a bowling ball
on June 03, 2017

on June 03, 2017

your bio says danisnotonfire
whomst've'ly be that i only know daniel howell
whomst've'ly be that i only know daniel howell
on June 03, 2017

i /really/ hope the writers make trans Lars canon bc it would make me v happy to be able to identify with a character
on June 03, 2017

if you ever feel sad just remember that i thought the quaker oats man was god when i was a child
on June 03, 2017

this site is terrible for my health and i want so bad to leave but i have like 6 people who i like to talk to and this is slightly less terrible for me than tumblr so i stay
on June 03, 2017

on June 02, 2017

on June 02, 2017

on June 02, 2017