hey!!! u r still on? im sorry im late i just got up!!! i don't kone how well i b able 2 keep up with the messages, because my mom is makeing me clean house! :( but message me anyways!!!

on December 12, 2012

k i will read it tomorrow!
on December 12, 2012

yeah!! awsome!! so how r u? have u read my new storie yet?! im supposed 2 work on it 2nite!
on December 12, 2012

on December 12, 2012
on December 12, 2012

hey guys!! why don't u all read, rate, and comment my new story!!! its called "till death do we part" i hope u all enjoy it!!! good nite!! luv ya all!!
on December 12, 2012

on December 12, 2012

hi!! how r u?!
on December 12, 2012

on December 12, 2012

hi!!!!!! ill b glad 2 give u some pic!!! tell me wich 1s u want!!!

on December 14, 2012

srry about the late reply i get so many emails from qfeast that i just open them then close them and drag them to a folder then i don't look twice... XD
on December 13, 2012

aww thanks i want the one of harry: i should check out that strange noise or your pro. picture ur so nice!
on December 13, 2012
on December 12, 2012

and 4 the moment ive been witing 4!!!!!!!!! lets talk on my wall!!
on December 12, 2012

ok people!!! its getting crazy now!!!!! i just came 2 chek my account and i had 17 messages!! omg!!!!!!!!!! anyhooow ill b back in 20 min.!!!
on December 12, 2012

ok!!! who ate my black boots!! i can't find them any where!! :(!! lol!!!
on December 11, 2012

u guy r the best followers ever!!!!!! luv ya!!! i follow many but am followed by the best!!

on December 12, 2012
on December 11, 2012


hello!! whats up?! i might b a while till i can really talk but u can message me any way!! LOL!!:)
on December 12, 2012
on December 11, 2012

on December 11, 2012

on December 11, 2012


o, um, so i am takeing "what should u call ur childeren" now then a "would i follow u" quiz! 4 ideas! so what u doing 2day?
on December 11, 2012
on December 11, 2012

on December 11, 2012

hey!! u on?

no problem!! so sorry but i need 2 go get ready 4 a meeting ill tell u about it later!! ttyl!! hurray!! can't wait!! :) !!!! LOL!!!
on December 11, 2012
on December 11, 2012

umm... quiet possiably both!! though i can promise that i won't exit the 1 in french B4 i finish it!! LOL!! on the name both!

Soory about the sudden good bye, but my mom wants me to do some things for her, so the other quiz will have to wait for tomorrow:( I might be on later tonight, I'm not sure!! So, bye!!:)
on December 10, 2012
on December 10, 2012

sweet!! im glad u liked it sonamy!! so whats up?!!

working on history homework :P :( ! so when ever u guy comment something ur comment flashes on my screen dose i do that 2 u 2?
on December 10, 2012
on December 10, 2012