
why did pedo #1 come back..

if it doesn't bother you, who now? Sorry, im just genuinely curious but if you'd rather it left unanswered that's cool too
on November 23, 2022
on November 22, 2022

on October 06, 2022

ur mom in my bed
on September 07, 2022

at first i was confused as to why ppl liked Stranger Things so much, but now I see why
on July 11, 2022

ohh sand is soooo tasty yes yummy yumm sand is delicious oh my so very good so very very good it's yum yum yum eat iy all day exquisite
on April 16, 2022

to the ppl who use light mode. go step on legos like what is wrong with you ?
on April 08, 2022

also to whoever uses uwu, owo, ^w^ and shit like that. grow up. literally no one uses that anymore.

on April 09, 2022
on April 08, 2022

ppl who say "ye" or add a dash at the end of their sentence are so annoying like bruh can you not spell/finish your sentence
on April 08, 2022

lemon_drizzle69 added a poll to the starred list
witch song song do you think is sad ? from blackpink
on March 14, 2022

讛讬讬! 诪讛 砖诇讜诪讱 讛讬讜诐?
讗谞讬 诇讗 讬讜讚注 注诇讬讱 讛专讘讛, 讗讘诇 讗谞讬 讘讟讜讞 专讜爪讛! 讗转讛 讗讚诐 诪诪砖 诪讙谞讬讘. 讗谞讬 讗讜讛讘 诇专讗讜转 讗转 讛驻讜住讟讬诐 砖诇讱 讘驻讬讚 砖诇讬. 诪注讜诇诐 诇讗 讛讬讬转讛 诇讱 讘注讬讛 注诐 讗祝 讗讞讚 讻讗谉, 诪讛 砖驻砖讜讟 注讜砖讛 讗讜转讱 诪讙谞讬讘 讬讜转专 讜谞讜转谉 诇讬 讬讜转专 住讬讘讛 诇专爪讜转 诇讛讻讬专 讗讜转讱. 诇讛讬砖讗专 讘讟讜讞!
讗谞讬 诇讗 讬讜讚注 注诇讬讱 讛专讘讛, 讗讘诇 讗谞讬 讘讟讜讞 专讜爪讛! 讗转讛 讗讚诐 诪诪砖 诪讙谞讬讘. 讗谞讬 讗讜讛讘 诇专讗讜转 讗转 讛驻讜住讟讬诐 砖诇讱 讘驻讬讚 砖诇讬. 诪注讜诇诐 诇讗 讛讬讬转讛 诇讱 讘注讬讛 注诐 讗祝 讗讞讚 讻讗谉, 诪讛 砖驻砖讜讟 注讜砖讛 讗讜转讱 诪讙谞讬讘 讬讜转专 讜谞讜转谉 诇讬 讬讜转专 住讬讘讛 诇专爪讜转 诇讛讻讬专 讗讜转讱. 诇讛讬砖讗专 讘讟讜讞!
on March 09, 2022