on December 16, 2020

lemon_drizzle69 added a poll to the starred list
Which mha class 1-A character is your favorite? (whole class)
on December 16, 2020

on December 16, 2020

Gooooooooooooood morning everyone!! How is your day so far??

@Thatlocalfangirl Yes it is best friend.^^
on December 16, 2020

@Your.local.idiot Pretty good.
on December 16, 2020

It's a day best friend.
on December 16, 2020

Not good hbu?
on December 16, 2020
on December 16, 2020

Welp, ELA and Social Studies isn't a problem. I can finish work in ELA and SS in a breeze.
Math? Well.....
....That's a different story.
Math? Well.....
....That's a different story.

@Masky_Weeb_Fan Math is the worst!! It's like random numbers and letter put together. Whoever invented math must've been mental. XD XD
on December 15, 2020
on December 15, 2020