I finally found u long lost twin....uk who u r...even tho u r not my real twin...we have same bday same age and have a lot in common...weird...
on July 07, 2016

Rain rain go away,
come again some other day,
I wanna go and play,
rain rain go away
it's raining hard and I wanna play on the playground.....
come again some other day,
I wanna go and play,
rain rain go away
it's raining hard and I wanna play on the playground.....
on July 07, 2016

Darekaimasenka??? (It's japanese hehe) ok translation...is anyone there???

Pfffft...that moment when I think I'm eating ice cream but instead..I'm eating my tablet....
on July 07, 2016

Angel-Chan! U r probably that's there....almost every time I'm on....but....oh well...*huggies n cuddlies*
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016

Bye....I gotta go to the...ummm...something for a check up or something...bye!
on July 06, 2016

on July 06, 2016

Hello everyone! Thank you for being my friend whatever the reason is...and is anyone on?
on July 06, 2016

Something smells.......bananas...wait they r bananas....I DONT WANNA TASTE ANY BANANAS AFTER DRINKING WATER IF I DO IT JUST TASTE LIKES POISON!!!!!!!!! My sis is going banana crazy...wait...HOW DID SHE SURVIVE!?

It's a youtube channel...u should watch it...also...HE GOTTA LOOSE TO THE DUDE HE ALWAYS CALLS PENGUIN POOP FOR FACE reaveal!!!!
on July 06, 2016

I did that....I basically threw my sister out my room when she drank it....how does my parents eat squid??? They r the preciousest animals besides cats....
on July 06, 2016
on July 06, 2016

Stuck in a room with......err a hint is...idk the gender but I think it's a boy...err he meanie....err he...I'll regret this later...
~ See More
~ See More
on July 06, 2016

I feel...TERRIBLE....wait...it's only 9:14 am...err so I should feel terrible except the fact I didn't get to fall asleep...meep in bored sleep....oh no! Idk what I'm talking about...and...IS ANYONE ON?????? umm..no?
on July 06, 2016

*a random girl with senpai* (outside is like...I'm gonna kill u) *stabs* ♡/(0/////^/////0\♡ I'm the only one for him...am I not?
on July 06, 2016

My finger...IT BURNS!!!!! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE MY FINGER!!!! ok it hurts...and it's bleeding.....HELPPPPPPPPP ME IT BURNS!!!!!!

on July 06, 2016

Ummm...no! I was peeling some potatoes...I really was...and I accidently cut my finger! It still burns tho...
on July 06, 2016
on July 06, 2016

I'm scared... *hides under someone's bed with Uchi-Chan* ....those scare me....
on July 05, 2016

big jar hits her baby boy jumping juggling back bouncing near jack name (what???)
big jar hits her baby boy jumping juggling back bouncing near jack name (what???)
on July 05, 2016

on July 05, 2016

Every time I start talking or is online (don't listen to the sign) NO ONE IS EVER ON.....except for me and my bunny....

I think that's the right number....old pic thingy about Greek or something... (I can't go to my room while my cousin is sleeping!!!!!!)
on July 05, 2016

Peeeeeep(idk what...)*huggies* I'm really bored after reading a whole book full of 439 pages!!!! (A fact) it took a couple of hours but...atleast u r here
on July 05, 2016
on July 05, 2016

In kindergarten...and ended up in same classes in 1st and 2nd grade...and after that..We start hangING out....it started with the word..."hi..."
on July 03, 2016