just got my hair im feelin myself who wannase?

ty guys @D3m0n1c_D3m0n @MUSHR00MPEACH_FAIRY
on February 04, 2023

alr alr hollon :) @D3m0n1c_D3m0n @MUSHR00MPEACH_FAIRY yall some good hype ppl
on February 04, 2023

on February 04, 2023

me :D
on February 04, 2023
on February 04, 2023

who remembers mio mao T^T
on February 03, 2023


on February 03, 2023

whos olie?
on February 03, 2023

on February 03, 2023

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xgly6dTZigM disclaimer dont play around adults
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on February 03, 2023

on February 03, 2023

yall my gf acting funny
on February 03, 2023

yall? i was a dance practice jus now right... i was literally Finna burst out into tears during class and it was parent watch day T^T..... my class is 30 mins and my mom asked me if I was getting enough sleep or if i was getting bullied at school bc i look half dead so i told her i was just sleepy and asked her can i sleep in the car for my sisters class instead of watching her dance she said yes so i cried myself to sleep :[
on February 03, 2023

on February 02, 2023