Your a chocolate bar!!! You know how to make a whole bunch of situation even more fun (campfires, birthday parties, and the winter too #hotcocoa). Your sweet and kind and a little fragile, but people love you and treat you with care. Ps always where sunblock you don't want to melt!
You're nice , but can be mean a bit. You rant sometimes, but usually keep it to yourself. If you get any meaner, everyone will be sad. Any nicer? You'll be the best person on here! Only one step, and you can make the biggest achievement.
You and your friends show true loyalty no matter what happens. Whenever your scared, upset or even alone. Your friends are always there you would do the same for them. So stay loyal cause these are your real friends.
You. Are. Gorgeous. OK! You are a super hot person and if someone told you you're not then go and kick them in their teeth and call them stupid!! You shouldn't need anyone to tell you that you're beautiful. You just need to feel beautiful. In your own skin. You are loved and wonderful! Is it just me, or do you like to put things on replay every so often? Go ahead! Turn on that Ipod and dance to your favorite jams! You know you want to, believe in what you think of yourself :)