on April 16, 2015

i give warm hugs ALL the time xD *Shyly hugs le Senpai*
on April 14, 2015

on April 14, 2015
Pie. :3
on April 14, 2015

Pffff. XD Duh.
I like the word gooby OoO
Gooby GOOBY GoOBy Goo bee GOOBERS Goobies Goobiezzzz GOOBIES!! x3
Gooby GOOBY GoOBy Goo bee GOOBERS Goobies Goobiezzzz GOOBIES!! x3
on April 14, 2015
on April 13, 2015

(Starting a RP! Please write more then just a sentence! Thank you.~)
Faith:*She sighs, and walks out of room once she finished unpacking her things. She walks out of the dorm, and walks outside, to a nearby park. She sits on the bench, and pulls out her phone, with some earbuds. She shoves in both earbuds, and p,aye a random song, putting it on shuffle. She sighs, and lays her head back, looking up at the sky, enjoying the warmth of the sun, shining on her face. She sighs, smiling, See More but she was a little scared for being alone. She quickly takes her left earbud out, leaving the right one in. She sits up, breathing a little heavily. She didn't trust new people, and most certainly didn't trust strangers. She was too scared to be alone much longer, so she stood up, and started to walk to the swings, sitting down cautious of course.*
Faith:*She sighs, and walks out of room once she finished unpacking her things. She walks out of the dorm, and walks outside, to a nearby park. She sits on the bench, and pulls out her phone, with some earbuds. She shoves in both earbuds, and p,aye a random song, putting it on shuffle. She sighs, and lays her head back, looking up at the sky, enjoying the warmth of the sun, shining on her face. She sighs, smiling, See More but she was a little scared for being alone. She quickly takes her left earbud out, leaving the right one in. She sits up, breathing a little heavily. She didn't trust new people, and most certainly didn't trust strangers. She was too scared to be alone much longer, so she stood up, and started to walk to the swings, sitting down cautious of course.*
on April 13, 2015

2 votes down: I should leave Qfeast
1 vote down: I'm disliked
0 likes: No one likes me
1 like: I'm not popular
2 likes: Some people like me
3 likes: I'm sort of liked
4 likes: I'm well liked See More
5 likes: I'm a bit popular
6 likes: I'm sort of popular
7 likes: A lot of people like me
8 likes: I'm mostly popular
9 likes: I'm popular
10 likes: I'm very popular
11 likes: I shouldn't leave Qfeast
12 likes: If I left Qfeast, people would become depressed
1 vote down: I'm disliked
0 likes: No one likes me
1 like: I'm not popular
2 likes: Some people like me
3 likes: I'm sort of liked
4 likes: I'm well liked See More
5 likes: I'm a bit popular
6 likes: I'm sort of popular
7 likes: A lot of people like me
8 likes: I'm mostly popular
9 likes: I'm popular
10 likes: I'm very popular
11 likes: I shouldn't leave Qfeast
12 likes: If I left Qfeast, people would become depressed
on April 15, 2015
on April 14, 2015
on April 13, 2015

Name: Faith Thomas
Age: 16
Personality: She is really shy at first, quite, very mysterious, keeps to herself a lot, lies about her feelings a lot, uncomfortable around new people, very difficult with people, but she gets along with all of the animals.
Looks: PIC!!! :3
Likes: Anime, America (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), her panda she got from China (Hetalia), all animals, pasta, pancakes, and sketching.
Dislikes: Bullies, her uncle who abused her until she ran away, and was brought See More in with the Countries, people who are mean to her friends, being alone, lighting, and thunder.
Crush: No one yet. But she is kind of liking America, and Canada.
Friends: Canada, America, China, Italy, Spain, Germany, and everyone else.
Classes you want to take: Cooking, art, and helping out with the teachers.
Extra: None.
Age: 16
Personality: She is really shy at first, quite, very mysterious, keeps to herself a lot, lies about her feelings a lot, uncomfortable around new people, very difficult with people, but she gets along with all of the animals.
Looks: PIC!!! :3
Likes: Anime, America (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), her panda she got from China (Hetalia), all animals, pasta, pancakes, and sketching.
Dislikes: Bullies, her uncle who abused her until she ran away, and was brought See More in with the Countries, people who are mean to her friends, being alone, lighting, and thunder.
Crush: No one yet. But she is kind of liking America, and Canada.
Friends: Canada, America, China, Italy, Spain, Germany, and everyone else.
Classes you want to take: Cooking, art, and helping out with the teachers.
Extra: None.

on April 13, 2015
on April 13, 2015

Hey, hon! How are you?
on April 13, 2015

Going to bed! Night night! :3
on April 13, 2015

Name: Anna Alvarez
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Country (optional): Malta
Brothers (optional): Australia, Germany, Italy, and Prussian.
Sisters: (optional): None.
Crush: Canada. See More
Backstory (optional): I shall write it, but warning: It's sad.
Personality: She is really shy to new people, but once you get to know her she is really out-going, funny, fun to hangout with, but she still can be quite at times, and in a corner of a room.
Likes: Lulu, her koala bear that her brother, Australia gave to her, pancakes, but not as much as Canada aka Matthew, Canada, and his polar bear, her brothers, and America. (As a best friend)
Dislikes: The perverts, her past, and people who pick on her, and Mattie.
Other: None. :p
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Country (optional): Malta
Brothers (optional): Australia, Germany, Italy, and Prussian.
Sisters: (optional): None.
Crush: Canada. See More
Backstory (optional): I shall write it, but warning: It's sad.
Personality: She is really shy to new people, but once you get to know her she is really out-going, funny, fun to hangout with, but she still can be quite at times, and in a corner of a room.
Likes: Lulu, her koala bear that her brother, Australia gave to her, pancakes, but not as much as Canada aka Matthew, Canada, and his polar bear, her brothers, and America. (As a best friend)
Dislikes: The perverts, her past, and people who pick on her, and Mattie.
Other: None. :p
on April 13, 2015

Aye! :3 Im back!
on April 13, 2015
Duh! See More
Anime! DX