for some reason when i look at tenten i feel like everything else around me has stopped, like her and i are the only people in the world... i never felt like this with naruto for some reason... maybe its just a thing that happens with girl relationships.

u bi?
on March 16, 2020

@Neji.Hyuga th-thank you... but dont be silly, i am nothing of the sort.
on March 15, 2020

@hinata.hyuga if you say so... but know that i would support you if you did happen to be a lesbian..
on March 15, 2020

@Neji.Hyuga but im not... g..g-gay... i had a husband and kids, its impossible. i just r-really like this one girl... that i may or may not had a crush on when i was little, but that is besides the point.
on March 15, 2020

oh hinata... i imagine that this is what i must have sounded like.... do not deny yourself.....
on March 15, 2020
on March 15, 2020

shino is spreading a lesbain rumor about me just because i am dating tenten... not cool.
on March 15, 2020

um, in the midst of my confusion, i would just like to congratulate my cousin neji on finding another gay 'furry' who loves him back
on March 15, 2020

update. ive succeeded in intercourse with sakura. she tasted sooo salty i almost ordered ketchup on the side.

on March 15, 2020
on March 15, 2020

@EGCToonsYT i apologize but i do not have this 'dm' feature! supposedly because of some thing called.... 'email'? i dont know. but i would love to be your waifu!
on March 15, 2020

its official naruto has left me and moved in with sasuke and are raising boruto, himawari, and sarada together. i hate it here. i want to die.

@hinata.hyuga lol you say the funniest things sometimes.... kiba is completely straight. in the meantime i hope you can get himawari back ?
on March 15, 2020

@Neji.Hyuga i think kiba was talking about you... hes in love with you, he told me himself. and i am unsure if i would like to go back into the dating world this quickly, i need some time to recover. however, i would do anything to get my dear himawari back.
on March 15, 2020

im so sorry. im willing to go beat up naruto so that he will give custody of himawari back to you. in the meantime kiba just told me that he'd love to date someone with the byakugan, maybe you should try dating him?
on March 15, 2020

on March 15, 2020
on March 15, 2020

neji is a homosexual. do not believe his lies.

on March 15, 2020
on March 15, 2020

guys... i am starting to think that naruto and sasuke might be more than just friends...

@Neji.Hyuga please neji... i know better than that. you are about as straight as bent pole...
on March 15, 2020

what? no, it's normal to do what he does with sasuke and just be friends. i do that with kiba and im completely straight
on March 15, 2020

@Neji.Hyuga a little more than that... neji-san, do you think naruto is leaving me for sasuke?
on March 15, 2020
on March 15, 2020

naruto said he wants a divorce ive never made it before.... does anyone have any good recipes?
on March 15, 2020

hinata is not home of phobic....... i am accepting of every kind of people.....!!
on March 14, 2020

hey neji, theres this new anime called beastars... maybe you and kiba could watch it... it seems like your kind of thing....

on March 14, 2020
on March 14, 2020

on March 13, 2020

on March 13, 2020