Your invited to my contest page! Just go send a membership request!

I'll do that now! ;)
on March 17, 2014

on March 17, 2014

Plus, read what I posted to know the contest this week!
on March 17, 2014

Cool! :D Thanks!
on March 17, 2014
on March 17, 2014

Can u talk in private message?
on March 17, 2014

Check out what I posted to know this weeks competition!

Great! Good luck! And I will post in a few seconds when the due date of your short story is!!
on March 17, 2014
on March 17, 2014

You are able to compete in the contest on the week of 3/17/2014! you are one of the Top 10 Competitors, you are the first to be a Member if your wondering why! The contest will be to tell the funniest story possible! And It must be true (this entry must be posted, for it shall not be a long story with chapters, just a summary of the funniest true moment that your are entering.)! Good luck, and I hope you have the funniest short story!

No problem! Check out the photos I posted on my page, I added a couple of funny captions to some of them!
on March 17, 2014
on March 17, 2014

on March 16, 2014

gonebitches created a poll
Would You Rather (This question is for Wolfy101, Wolfy gave me this idea! Thanks!)
on March 16, 2014

gonebitches created a poll
I Want To Buy A New Videogame, But What One? (If you vote other, write what one you rec...
on March 16, 2014

gonebitches asked a question
im in a bad mood, how do you calm down or cheer up im in bad enough of a mood to not us...
on March 16, 2014

created a

The Walking Dead: What Kind Of Fan Are You?
on March 13, 2014

gonebitches asked a question
Who's better, Tobuscus or Pewdiepie? I think Tobuscus is WAAAA(1 hour later) AAAA-well,...
on March 13, 2014