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which european country are you?
on May 23, 2020

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Which Common Cookie Run Character are you?
on May 03, 2020

faceme asked a question

When and how do you think the Coronavirus pandemic will end?
on March 28, 2020

faceme created a poll

Is your school / university closed because of Coronavirus outbreak? Please comment
on March 23, 2020

faceme asked a question

Why is China such a hotspot for novel diseases? The Asian Flu in 1956, SARS in 2002, H7...
on March 22, 2020

on February 28, 2020

faceme asked a question

Do you think that the Chinese authorities exaggerated with the anti corona virus action...
on February 28, 2020

on February 28, 2020

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How much do you know about Minecraft? (4)
on February 23, 2020

on January 25, 2019