What the hell is wrong with @bribri_loves_you

Does she, like, take pride in destroying relationships? It's none of her business, does she think it is?
on June 27, 2016
on June 27, 2016

This was stolen from Quo.Tev. Don't know whom tho : (
Like for:
If you called me at 3:00 am I would...
[] Ignore -_-
[] Answer
[]Be like WTF Why are you calling me!?! See More
If you snuck in my room I would:
[] Beat You
[] Let You Spend The night
[] CUDDLE (possibly.)
[] Chill
[] Take pics
[] Kick you out
Something I like about you is:
[] Your Personality
[] Your Body
[] Your Love ♥
[] Everything ♥ ♥ ♥
If we walked home I would:
[] Hold your hand
[] Push you out in the road (playfully.)
[] Trip you and run
[] Kiss you
[] Hug you
[] Take pics
If You kissed me I would:
[] Laugh
[] Be in shock
[] Kiss back
[] Smile
[] Blush
You should:
[] Write on my wall
[] Talk to me
[] Give me your number?
[] Put this as your status so I can like i
Like for:
If you called me at 3:00 am I would...
[] Ignore -_-
[] Answer
[]Be like WTF Why are you calling me!?! See More
If you snuck in my room I would:
[] Beat You
[] Let You Spend The night
[] CUDDLE (possibly.)
[] Chill
[] Take pics
[] Kick you out
Something I like about you is:
[] Your Personality
[] Your Body
[] Your Love ♥
[] Everything ♥ ♥ ♥
If we walked home I would:
[] Hold your hand
[] Push you out in the road (playfully.)
[] Trip you and run
[] Kiss you
[] Hug you
[] Take pics
If You kissed me I would:
[] Laugh
[] Be in shock
[] Kiss back
[] Smile
[] Blush
You should:
[] Write on my wall
[] Talk to me
[] Give me your number?
[] Put this as your status so I can like i
on June 26, 2016

Guys, I'm a rebel
I'm not following the official qfeast acc
I'm not following the official qfeast acc
on June 25, 2016

3+ likes for:
? Song people should play when they stalk my wall~
? Songs I really liked when I was younger~
? My parents' favorite songs~
? My current favorite song~
? The artist I like that most of my friends like as well~
? The artist I like that most of my friends don't~ See More
? My theme song or song that relates to me~
? Cringy song you used to like~
? Old (2000-2012) songs you like~
? Very old (1960-2000) songs you like~
? New songs you like~ (2012-Present)
? Song people should play when they stalk my wall~
? Songs I really liked when I was younger~
? My parents' favorite songs~
? My current favorite song~
? The artist I like that most of my friends like as well~
? The artist I like that most of my friends don't~ See More
? My theme song or song that relates to me~
? Cringy song you used to like~
? Old (2000-2012) songs you like~
? Very old (1960-2000) songs you like~
? New songs you like~ (2012-Present)
on June 24, 2016

3+ likes for:
-warning: do not get offended-
In your opinion, which qfeaster: (it can be more than one)
♡has the cutest voice: I don't know, I've never Skyped anyone or anything like that, but people say Vanny has a cute voice so @PrimadonnaGirl
♡is the best looking: @MobileDorkestra, @PrimadonnaGirl, @StridersGonnaStride
♡is the most like you: God.... I don't know.... @PrimadonnaGirl and I are pretty in sync music wise
♡is the funniest: @Meme_Lord See More
♡is the most mature: @BoneDaddyPapyrus
♡would you date: If it came to the point where I had to pick a Qfeaster, probably @StridersGonnaStride
♡is the most reliable: @PreciousCinnamonRolls
♡have you had a crush on in the past (if so) None
Which irl friend:
♢has the cutest voice: Annika
♢is the best looking: Kaley
♢is the most like you: Lucia I guess?
♢is the funniest: Emily probably
♢is the most mature: Desmond
♢would you date: Kaley I guess?
♢is the most reliable: Gretchen
♢have you had a crush on in the past (if so) Lucia
Which celebrity:
♤has the cutest voice: Melanie Martinez
♤is the best looking: Lana del Rey & Melanie Martinez
♤is the most like you: Melanie Martinez
♤is the funniest: Melanie Martinez
♤is the most mature: Lorde
♤would you date: Melanie Martinez
♤do you wish was still alive: Christina Grimmie, Prince
♤have you had a crush on in the past (if so) None
●°I don't really go through phases°●
■□■□St4rt3d by @KazooKid□■□■
-warning: do not get offended-
In your opinion, which qfeaster: (it can be more than one)
♡has the cutest voice: I don't know, I've never Skyped anyone or anything like that, but people say Vanny has a cute voice so @PrimadonnaGirl
♡is the best looking: @MobileDorkestra, @PrimadonnaGirl, @StridersGonnaStride
♡is the most like you: God.... I don't know.... @PrimadonnaGirl and I are pretty in sync music wise
♡is the funniest: @Meme_Lord See More
♡is the most mature: @BoneDaddyPapyrus
♡would you date: If it came to the point where I had to pick a Qfeaster, probably @StridersGonnaStride
♡is the most reliable: @PreciousCinnamonRolls
♡have you had a crush on in the past (if so) None
Which irl friend:
♢has the cutest voice: Annika
♢is the best looking: Kaley
♢is the most like you: Lucia I guess?
♢is the funniest: Emily probably
♢is the most mature: Desmond
♢would you date: Kaley I guess?
♢is the most reliable: Gretchen
♢have you had a crush on in the past (if so) Lucia
Which celebrity:
♤has the cutest voice: Melanie Martinez
♤is the best looking: Lana del Rey & Melanie Martinez
♤is the most like you: Melanie Martinez
♤is the funniest: Melanie Martinez
♤is the most mature: Lorde
♤would you date: Melanie Martinez
♤do you wish was still alive: Christina Grimmie, Prince
♤have you had a crush on in the past (if so) None
●°I don't really go through phases°●
■□■□St4rt3d by @KazooKid□■□■
on June 24, 2016

3+ likes for:
-warning: do not get offended-
In your opinion, which qfeaster: (it can be more than one)
♡has the cutest voice
♡is the best looking
♡is the most like you
♡is the funniest See More
♡is the most mature
♡would you date
♡is the most reliable
♡have you had a crush on in the past (if so)
Which irl friend:
♢has the cutest voice
♢is the best looking
♢is the most like you
♢is the funniest
♢is the most mature
♢would you date
♢is the most reliable
♢have you had a crush on in the past (if so)
Which celebrity:
♤has the cutest voice
♤is the best looking
♤is the most like you
♤is the funniest
♤is the most mature
♤would you date
♤do you wish was still alive
♤have you had a crush on in the past (if so)
Which phase you've went through:
♧is your favorite
♧is current
♧is the most cringey
♧did people like the most
♧did people dislike the most
♧do people make fun of you the most for
●°Create your own question°●
■□■□St4rt3d by @KazooKid□■□■
-warning: do not get offended-
In your opinion, which qfeaster: (it can be more than one)
♡has the cutest voice
♡is the best looking
♡is the most like you
♡is the funniest See More
♡is the most mature
♡would you date
♡is the most reliable
♡have you had a crush on in the past (if so)
Which irl friend:
♢has the cutest voice
♢is the best looking
♢is the most like you
♢is the funniest
♢is the most mature
♢would you date
♢is the most reliable
♢have you had a crush on in the past (if so)
Which celebrity:
♤has the cutest voice
♤is the best looking
♤is the most like you
♤is the funniest
♤is the most mature
♤would you date
♤do you wish was still alive
♤have you had a crush on in the past (if so)
Which phase you've went through:
♧is your favorite
♧is current
♧is the most cringey
♧did people like the most
♧did people dislike the most
♧do people make fun of you the most for
●°Create your own question°●
■□■□St4rt3d by @KazooKid□■□■
on June 24, 2016

on June 24, 2016

Girls like girls like boys do, nothing new~
on June 24, 2016

The song Heathens is actually the sole reason I'm going to watch Suicide Squad as soon as it is released
on June 23, 2016

Top ten favorite Qfeasters
1. @Meme_Lord
2. @PreciousCinnamonRolls
3. @StridersGonnaStride
4. @MobileDorkestra
5. @PrimadonnaGirl
6. @Ayahoshi See More
7. @TricksterOfLife
8. @Sassy_Mine
9. @Duns_For_Hands
10. @Armenia
1. @Meme_Lord
2. @PreciousCinnamonRolls
3. @StridersGonnaStride
4. @MobileDorkestra
5. @PrimadonnaGirl
6. @Ayahoshi See More
7. @TricksterOfLife
8. @Sassy_Mine
9. @Duns_For_Hands
10. @Armenia
on June 23, 2016

If this post gets six likes I will post my top ten favorite Qfeasters.
Startëd by @MobileDorkestra. You may repøst.
Startëd by @MobileDorkestra. You may repøst.
on June 23, 2016