
on September 07, 2019

on September 07, 2019
on September 07, 2019

What if I made a page dedicated to my art?

on August 26, 2019

on August 25, 2019
on August 25, 2019

Can I just talk to someone, im getting very bored with this website, it's like nothing has been happening
on August 20, 2019

so apparently I can not say W**pad

but I can say something like"F*ck you, you slimy asshat of a bitch!" and nothing happens. (never mind I can't say F*ck either)
on August 18, 2019
on August 18, 2019

wlp my first day of school is tommorrow.... wish me luck.
on August 07, 2019

I have band camp tomorrow, and I can feel highschool wrapping around my ankles already
on July 21, 2019

Welp idk how, but Im now slipping into the Sander's Side fandom ( I haven't drawn anything yet.) So now I can talk about other things besides Eddsworld
on July 15, 2019

here are some things im working on story wise:
1. My thoughts on Eddsworld (which should come out real soon)
2. Eddsworld shorts
3. an Eddsworld story starring Tom and Matt ( nonship)
I might come up with:
1. a story to know me better
2. Eddsworld ask blog chapter 3, IF YOU ASK SOME DARN QUESTIONS See More
3. more short stories
4. Eddsworld headcanons ( If I man ( or woman) up a bit)
so yeah expect something like that.
1. My thoughts on Eddsworld (which should come out real soon)
2. Eddsworld shorts
3. an Eddsworld story starring Tom and Matt ( nonship)
I might come up with:
1. a story to know me better
2. Eddsworld ask blog chapter 3, IF YOU ASK SOME DARN QUESTIONS See More
3. more short stories
4. Eddsworld headcanons ( If I man ( or woman) up a bit)
so yeah expect something like that.
on July 09, 2019

So I now have pinkeye.... great.
on July 03, 2019

Okay okay okay. Please lsten to me. so i was on my phone, I went on youtube and EDDSWORLD like the offical channel, made a post about how they have an istagram (which I already follow). I swear sometimes there is hope for this show coming back.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get anything new??? Matt has said that there’d be new episodes but it just never happens. We can just hope ig
on July 03, 2019
on July 02, 2019

on July 02, 2019