Why do these school shootings keep happening. It's not fair anyone like us or even us could be killed! Change needs to happen! School shootings shouldn't be a normal thing that you read about every two months. The government needs to do something about this or more teens and children will die!
Yeah and they need to change the law of teachers having guns
on March 21, 2018
on March 21, 2018
The moment when you want to do two things like read and watch tv and reliese you can't do them at the same time.
on March 21, 2018
The moment where you go in a room to get something and then you forget what you getting.
on March 21, 2018
The moment where you put something somewhere tell yourself to remember where it is and then forget in two seconds
on March 21, 2018
The moment when you wait for a movie to stop buffering and relise you accidentally paused it all along.
on March 21, 2018
dark_rose asked a question
Have you ever been asked out?
on March 21, 2018
I finished the 100 it ends at such a cliff hanger!!!! I need season 5 to come out!
on March 21, 2018
dark_rose added a new chapter to A hogwarts story
Year 1 part 2
Best friends: cho, Amanda, Hermione
We were half way through the year and it started to become more and more like spring. It was the spring festival. There would've feasts, games, and special classes. I sat with my house, ravenclaw as a line of house elves walked to the front of the room with platters of food. This was tradition for the spring festival, this would last three days. They opened the food all at the same time and plopped it on a long white table that stretched across the wh... Read Full Chapter
Best friends: cho, Amanda, Hermione
We were half way through the year and it started to become more and more like spring. It was the spring festival. There would've feasts, games, and special classes. I sat with my house, ravenclaw as a line of house elves walked to the front of the room with platters of food. This was tradition for the spring festival, this would last three days. They opened the food all at the same time and plopped it on a long white table that stretched across the wh... Read Full Chapter
on March 20, 2018
dark_rose created a poll
What picture of ldshadowlady?
on March 20, 2018
dark_rose asked a question
What's your favorite Harry Potter spell? Avada kedavra... *body hits the ground* *evil...
on March 20, 2018
dark_rose asked a question
What's your Harry Potter patronous? I probably spelled it wrong but I don't care
on March 20, 2018
dark_rose asked a question
What are some moments where you wished people kissed? Watching a movie. Just kiss alrea...
on March 20, 2018
dark_rose asked a question
What's your best Minecraft build?
on March 20, 2018
dark_rose added a question to the starred list
do you think ldshadowlady should film her wedding?
on March 19, 2018
created a
Guess the lyrics
on March 18, 2018
My brother keeps replaying the same song and only the beginning part it's so annoying. Plus I don't like the song!
on March 18, 2018
on March 18, 2018
dark_rose created a story
A hogwarts story
on March 18, 2018
dark_rose created a poll
What gender is easier to draw?
on March 18, 2018