on October 16, 2014

Herean swam swiftly through the water, the group of sharks did not stop persueing him. He tuned around, whisperd a few ancient words and the water around him began to glow, he sent a blast of the glowing water at a shark. The water around the sharks exploded and the sharks scattered in search of new prey.

Hearean hears a voice directly below him, "Hello who is there?"" He looked down to see a waving mermaid about the same age as him
on October 18, 2014
on October 16, 2014

Name: Herean Marius
Gender: Male
Rank: Loner
Personality: secretive, not friendly to humans or strangers, but generally a good person
Backstory: He had always lived in a small clan of mer-folk until one day he woke up to find that they were all killed by humans. He was a loner eversince.
Gender: Male
Rank: Loner
Personality: secretive, not friendly to humans or strangers, but generally a good person
Backstory: He had always lived in a small clan of mer-folk until one day he woke up to find that they were all killed by humans. He was a loner eversince.
on October 16, 2014

Song of the day

Frozen - Lass jetzt los *Let It Go, German* (Male Version)
PLEASE NOTE: I did not record this, I simply LOWERED THE PITCH. Do not get angry. Thank you. Sorry if you don't like the picture, I couldn't seem to find ano...
on October 16, 2014

on October 16, 2014

why cucumbers? why not like Pizzakid.. why cucumber kid?
on October 12, 2014

Dragon Age 2 Soundtrack HQ - Rogue Heart
Majestic and beautiful. This song reminds us of things that make the struggle of life possible, even enjoyable. The public release of my own compositions are...
on October 09, 2014

on October 09, 2014

Name: Fenrir Darius
Type of creature: Fairy
Element: Night
Powers: The powers of the night.
Features: Can only take a large human size form at night.
Backstory: he wad born in a forest that was inhabited by mostly sun fairies. He was an outcast all of his life, so he travelled from place to place looking for a home.
Type of creature: Fairy
Element: Night
Powers: The powers of the night.
Features: Can only take a large human size form at night.
Backstory: he wad born in a forest that was inhabited by mostly sun fairies. He was an outcast all of his life, so he travelled from place to place looking for a home.
on October 07, 2014

on October 06, 2014

I only need 6 more followers and i will be ready to make my debut as a novelist.
on October 06, 2014

Im a psychopath, there is a little voice in my head, a female one. The problem is it only speaks french so i have to go on google translate.

on October 06, 2014
on October 06, 2014

So Jacob your going with FandomLover ?
on October 06, 2014

Only 9 more followers to go!
on October 05, 2014

Hey!!! I may seem a bit hyper, but that's because I am! I just noticed when you followed me that you are new to Qfeast! Which is AMAZING! So, what I was gonna say was, if you need any help or have any questions, you can always talk to me! I may not be on much, but I'll get back to you whenever possible! X3
on October 05, 2014