trying to pull out my tooth and my cousin tooth is loose too and she is tyring to pull it out
on February 02, 2016

ho can i take a shower with a cast
on January 31, 2016

how i broke is i fell off my trampoline when i was doing a back flip i was rushed to a hospital in a ambulance
on January 31, 2016

anyone here
on January 30, 2016

on January 30, 2016

on January 30, 2016

hey guys im going to the emergency room
on January 30, 2016

i got spacers at the dentist yesterday:(( they hurt if you can see the blue stuff that is my spacers
on January 30, 2016
on January 30, 2016

i just woke up my cousin and we are getting dressed because im making strawberry pancakes and blue berry and chocalate chip i need my cousins help
on January 30, 2016

good morning guys
on January 30, 2016

ill take better pictures if u follow me
on January 29, 2016

me and my cousin
on January 29, 2016

please follow me<3<3<3<3<3<3

on January 28, 2016

on January 28, 2016
on January 28, 2016