Brush your teeth with Mayo
Drink toothpaste
Brush your teeth with Mayo
Drink toothpaste

@bananamangrill But make sure you read the toothpaste tube. Because they always tell you things like that.
on March 20, 2015

on March 19, 2015

on March 19, 2015
on December 20, 2014

My username: My brother was eating a Banana... Man is a gender. Grill is a gender. I am a grill. Not a girl. BananaManGrill.
on December 18, 2014

Cry Sick
Throw up poo?
Cry Sick
Throw up poo?

on December 17, 2014
on December 17, 2014

That moment when you drop a pencil and you say 'ow'
on December 17, 2014

That moment when you found something out and realize how good your parents are at keeping secrets...
on December 16, 2014

This week is so busy o-0 Monday [today] Had Dress Rehearsals for XMAS concert... Tuesday: Actual concert, Wednesday: Evening concert, Thursday: My class 'last' day inside the school, Friday: We go to a memorial of a famous guy who died in WW1 and a party. OhGod.
on December 15, 2014

That awkward moment when you ask someone a question and you completely ignore them and then you is like "Oh.. What did you say?"
on December 15, 2014

That moment when you think you've done the most fantastic writing piece and then your teacher reads it and is like "Mhm."
on December 15, 2014

Live in no house but win the lottery
Live in a huge mansion but loose all your money.
This one is easy if you think about it xD
Live in no house but win the lottery
Live in a huge mansion but loose all your money.
This one is easy if you think about it xD
on December 15, 2014

The girl I sit beside: She has nits, bugs, doesn't brush her teeth, is annoying... I've had to sit beside her for two terms and she gave me nits and recently bug bites by transferring bugs into my school clothes >.< She's absolutely disgusting as well! Only last week she tried to break up my bff and her boyfriend! She said that they don't like each other. :I
on December 15, 2014

That moment when you are having a realistic dream and then your alarm is like 'TIME TO STOP IT!' >.<
on December 14, 2014

You go on Woozworld?
on December 12, 2014