on August 01, 2019

3+ likes for,
Name: Arusu
Age: 12
Years on Qfeast: 2
Favorite quote: "Machines aren't capable of evil. Humans make them that way."
Favorite artist/band: KKB, Nelward, The Beatles, etc...
Least Favorite artist/band: I don't remember... See More
Favorite song: Banana Boye
Least Favorite song: Old town road or stuff like that
Favorite lyric: oh honey that's our banana boye
social security number: muffin button
Most relatable song: lonely rolling star
Most relatable lyric: leaves me dead then alive
Favorite album: sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band
Favorite currant trend: beanos
Least Favorite currant trend: I don't know
Favorite color: Blue and green
Least Favorite color: anything that hurts my eyes
Do you believe in astrology: kind of
Dream university/collage: utsa or a art/animation university
Do you wear make up: no
Favorite scent: citrus
Favorite part about myself: ssssmart
Least Favorite part about myself: my body
Do you like school: yesss
Favorite class: reading
Favorite plant: big blant
Favorite font: ?????
mums credit card number: My mom beats me
Name: Arusu
Age: 12
Years on Qfeast: 2
Favorite quote: "Machines aren't capable of evil. Humans make them that way."
Favorite artist/band: KKB, Nelward, The Beatles, etc...
Least Favorite artist/band: I don't remember... See More
Favorite song: Banana Boye
Least Favorite song: Old town road or stuff like that
Favorite lyric: oh honey that's our banana boye
social security number: muffin button
Most relatable song: lonely rolling star
Most relatable lyric: leaves me dead then alive
Favorite album: sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band
Favorite currant trend: beanos
Least Favorite currant trend: I don't know
Favorite color: Blue and green
Least Favorite color: anything that hurts my eyes
Do you believe in astrology: kind of
Dream university/collage: utsa or a art/animation university
Do you wear make up: no
Favorite scent: citrus
Favorite part about myself: ssssmart
Least Favorite part about myself: my body
Do you like school: yesss
Favorite class: reading
Favorite plant: big blant
Favorite font: ?????
mums credit card number: My mom beats me
on July 31, 2019

on July 30, 2019

on July 29, 2019