TW : I’m always trying to fit in, but it never works. I’m always getting left out. I’m trying my best to fit in. I want people to like me better. Am I not enough for y’all ? Everytime I talk, yall ignore me. And you know what hurts more? Feeling like Skylar is starting to get feelings for rikku . Corbin is trying 2 keep me away from Rikku. Does Rikku not like me anymore? Do they hate me again? Wtvr man. I hate myself too, don’t worry :). Idek if Skylar is my best friend anymore. See More Tatyana is my only friend who talks to me. I rant abt my feelings to her, and she comforts me. I don’t vent to anyone else but her and my boyfriend. They’re the only people who understand my problems. If I rant to others, they’ll just say “Same”, “Oop”, “Sucks”, etc. 4 the people who say “same” after me venting, f#ck you because IM the one venting. Not u. I cried because of what happened today lmfao. I hate my school life honestly. Call me toxic , sensitive, crybaby, or whatever. Idc anymore. I’d rather k1ll myself than y’all calling me toxic. Yeah yeah, wtvr. Goodnight. I’ll post tmmrw , if anything happens. :’)
on October 14, 2021

on October 14, 2021

Idk anymore. Xao hasn’t answered my calls and texts all day. He posted something on another app 2 hours ago, but why won’t he answer me? Am I that annoying? Idk. I just need someone’s shoulder 2 cry on.

I feel like he lost feelings, I’m trying 2 get my tickets to go see / meet him. I don’t wanna lose him, he told me before, “If I don’t answer, I’m at the hospital or something” or something like that. I’m worried he might’ve 0ff3d himself again. He tried so many times.. and it worried me so much. It hurts to see him like this. He’s su1c1d@l. F*ck this. I’m done.
on October 11, 2021
on October 11, 2021

I told them.. I feel horrible

on October 10, 2021
on October 10, 2021

on October 08, 2021