anonymous-user-vxF0nG's Polls - Page 2
anonymous-user-vxF0nG published 38 polls

Tolkien Goblin or Rowling Goblin?

Who is Hotter? (Teen Wolf poll winner v.s. The 100 winner)

Rowling Elves or Tolkien Elves?

Who was a better Dumbledore?

Which Actor is Hottest?: The 100 Edition (past and present)

Who is the hottest Teen Wolf Guy? (past and present)

Are there any Dylan O'brien fans in the house?

What do you think of Oriental Shorthairs?
Which is a worse fashion trend?
Do you consider yourself a feminist? (1)
Who is your favorite Middle Earth villain?
Who is your favorite hobbit?
Who is your favorite underrated Lord of the Rings Character?
Which kind of R_P do you like the best?
Which of my favorite bands/artists do you like the best?

What do you think holds you back most in life?