anonymous-user-5bjIgQ's Polls - Page 2 anonymous-user-5bjIgQ published 174 polls West coast vs East Coast Who is you favorite rapper from the 90's? Which car looks better? New username? until june so which is best Which wolf? Demon style edition Which kind of wolf should Scar be? Who should be Rap God Tupac or Eminem? Which tattoo of a wolf is better? I might get one of these when I'm older Which should be Scar's new look? Which Demon Wolf (my awesome demon wolves)? Which version of scar the demon wolf do you like the best? Which native Wolf furry? Which singer do you like more: Eminem or Ice cube? If you wanted to have a tail what would it be? Which keep calm Wolf picture? Tupac vs The notorious B.I.G (biggie) Would you Rather? (40) Which is creepier? Which R&B group is better? Wolf vs Werewolf vs Zombie Wolf vs Demon Wolf Who would Win? « 1 2 3 4 ... 9 »