I'm bored... -_-

I think I'll catch up on what I missed while I was gone :\
on March 30, 2015

It's midnight and I'm not tired at all *sigh* @LanaTheWolf
on March 30, 2015
on March 30, 2015

Guys... This happened a while ago, but my cat threw up on my copy if Sailor Moon -_- Before I could read it... And it was a library book... *sigh*
on March 26, 2015

on March 03, 2015

on February 28, 2015

15+ Likes for:
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♥ Real Name:
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on February 28, 2015

I finished Death Note #6 and need to know what happens!!!!

Ugh I'll have to wait for a few days cause I still need to request it from the library :( I'll request the next two or three at the same time :p
on February 27, 2015
on February 26, 2015

??? People will judge... I was sending this to my friend ???
??? People will judge... I was sending this to my friend ???

Hula Stampy
Stampy has been very upset lately about having holes in his potato snacks! In this video you can see him expressing himself on the subject!

You should watch his other videos. There's also this guy called iBallisticSquid that's funny and good friends with Stampy. They do a lot of videos together. @SilverMistTheHedgehog
on February 28, 2015
on February 28, 2015
on February 28, 2015
on February 19, 2015

I finally got Death Note 6 from the library!! :)
on February 19, 2015

Hula Stampy
Stampy has been very upset lately about having holes in his potato snacks! In this video you can see him expressing himself on the subject!

Literally, be prepared for it to be really bad if you don't like/don't know StampyLongNose
on February 19, 2015
on February 19, 2015

on February 18, 2015

on February 16, 2015

Umm... how can I not think of any??? I know I have a ton though! I'll think of them sooner over later...
on February 16, 2015

animalgirl301 asked a question

What should I build on Minecraft? I love Minecraft because it's fun, but I never know w...
on February 14, 2015

on February 12, 2015