all of my comfortsonas have become uncomfortable i need to make another omeee
on January 17, 2021

on January 17, 2021

goodnight all i will have dreams about da baby
on January 17, 2021

qfeast user: posts image ???
qfeast quality: now from the TOP make it DROP ????
like if u got it!
qfeast quality: now from the TOP make it DROP ????
like if u got it!
on January 17, 2021

i cant talk rn im doing hot girl shit *organizes all my webkinz cards then organizes all my repeat webkinz cards then enters every trading card prize code code and virtual tcg code and sticks all the code cards onto my wall then organizes all my repeat webkinz cards again because i forgot one so i had to restart the whole thing*
on January 17, 2021

make assumptions of me based off my fav songs!!!
soft fuzzy man - lemon demon
touch tone telephone - lemon demon (IK ITS OVERRATED ITS FOR A GOOD REASON!!!!)
yeah yeah yeah - jack conte
kitchen fork - jack conte
lets get jacked - patricia taxxon
sweet dreams - left boy (but its only the part where its like WHAT UR LOOKIN AT BABY IS A MOTHERFUCKKIN LEGEND IN DA MAKIN) See More
missing kitty - kreayshawn
rät - penelope scott
big juicy - ayesha erotica
white winter hymnal - fleet foxes (but only when its slowed)
soft fuzzy man - lemon demon
touch tone telephone - lemon demon (IK ITS OVERRATED ITS FOR A GOOD REASON!!!!)
yeah yeah yeah - jack conte
kitchen fork - jack conte
lets get jacked - patricia taxxon
sweet dreams - left boy (but its only the part where its like WHAT UR LOOKIN AT BABY IS A MOTHERFUCKKIN LEGEND IN DA MAKIN) See More
missing kitty - kreayshawn
rät - penelope scott
big juicy - ayesha erotica
white winter hymnal - fleet foxes (but only when its slowed)

@southparkestellaismywife420 i stole most of yhese from tik tok compilation youtibe tik tok cause i liked how they sounded and they were sexy
on January 17, 2021

@southparkestellaismywife420 thats the only song i like by her and its just cause i made an animation wif it LOLZ?
on January 17, 2021

penelope scott is for posers who pop on kandi bracelets and say theyre scene but they r the opposite of scene stop lisening to her
on January 17, 2021
on January 17, 2021

what my parents think i do when im home alone: have mad sex with everyone and trash everything
what i actually do when im home alone: blast big juicy and play webkinz
what i actually do when im home alone: blast big juicy and play webkinz

what my parents think i do when im home alone: yell cuss word
what i do when im home alone: estella
what i do when im home alone: estella
on January 17, 2021
on January 17, 2021

i would like to thank 11 year old me for not posting dumb photos and instead only talked abt nooses
on January 16, 2021

why do ppl like monster so much. like ok if its for the aesthetic but its nasty and can give you too much sugar.

@axel.22 why are you even commenting on this
@southparkestellaismywife420 i only wanna try the pink one cause the flavor sounds interesting. and i like pink lolz x3
@southparkestellaismywife420 i only wanna try the pink one cause the flavor sounds interesting. and i like pink lolz x3
on January 16, 2021

FR LIKE yesterday this person was like “i have prices of monster memorized bc i drink it” also the flavors soudn nasty. i never tryed it doe
on January 16, 2021
on January 16, 2021

rip @axel.22 photo 99
photo 91 because i was literally looking for photo 99 thinking itd be bad https://www.qfeast.com/axel.22/profile/photo/SCtmyy
on January 16, 2021

@RockLeesHusband4Real42069andYesIAmABug.Bitch it was sorta blackmaily. they took a joke too far and they were like im so sorry ? *mocks us* guys im sorry *makes 10 vents abt sh and s**c*de* it was kinda. weird
on January 16, 2021
i just found one and its a screen shot of suicide methods talking about how easy they are :(
on January 16, 2021
on January 16, 2021

so i guess there was a wall e ride at some weird amusement park and my sister wanted to take me so we went. then it cut to me waking up inside a hotel and our room was closet sized and i was trying to get on webkinz but it wouldnt work. so i webt on discoed and it was 6pm apparently and i was talking to aiden and i was like “woah how is it 6pm” and then i went to find clothes and for some reason i didnt pack any. then i looked back on discord and i had 16 notifs and i thought See More they were from aiden so i got upset yhat aiden spammed me but itbwas from someone else. then it cut to like me in my old 5th grade class ane i dont remember much from that part besides damien being there. then it cut to some chimera claires and dollar tree store. idk what i was doing there but i heard ppl talking abt sky landers so i called it trash and there was this 1 specific kid i was talking to. we went into isle 2 and i was looking for wii sports resorts but over the course of me looking all the game cases turned into thin paper books. i looked at the pins and i saw my art andni was like “wtf why didnt they credit me or something” and then thisnkid was looking atbpacifiers and there were like spikes in them and he was talking abt them and i asked how he knew so much and he was like “my friend is a babyfur” so i said “me too.” then i checked discord to say hi to aiden and he just said “ITS DONE” so i asked what and be said “im not allowed to tell you” so i was like wtf why would you say that to me then. there was also a part where i was trying to convince my mom to buy the pins of the art i made in there. thats all i remember
on January 16, 2021

nite guys
on January 16, 2021

how does my family not know i like girls yet half of what i watch on youtube is girls kissing

on January 16, 2021

on January 16, 2021

on January 16, 2021

on January 16, 2021
on January 16, 2021

me thinking abt a video game i will make in the future getting big: :)
on January 16, 2021

on January 16, 2021

sorry that not everything revolves around u
on January 15, 2021

story of how i learned i was bi: i kept making out with this girl and i thought that was just a thing girls did then i realized it wasnt
on January 15, 2021