on January 24, 2021

you see how times_still_ticking and fellsans24 ‘s bios are the same?
on January 24, 2021

“kids are disgusting creatures that thirst for trouble” did you know that you were a kid once
on January 24, 2021

a whole ass adult who hasnt been on in over a year just dmed me hurling insults at me because i... told the truth i guess???
on January 23, 2021

heres the thing abt yuzu senpai tw grooming
when i was like 11 years 8 months old, i was doin my manipulative thing and sent a bunch of things to ppl like “before i die i want u to know blank” and i said smth to yuzu (username was casual_red) that they were cute or i had a crush on them a while ago or somethong. when i was obviously fine they dmed me wanting to date. now before you say i led them on, they still shouldve known wanting to date an 11 year old was wrong. i had it See More in my bio at the time and mentikned it multiple times. i didnt know they were 18. they told me that they were 18 and i was like “okay thats weird but whatever” so i said yes cause i didnt know better. i was dating someone at the time and they were like wtf jul thats not okay so i declined withon the time of 30 mins to 1 day. then they were like “fine” and we never talked again after that.
when i was like 11 years 8 months old, i was doin my manipulative thing and sent a bunch of things to ppl like “before i die i want u to know blank” and i said smth to yuzu (username was casual_red) that they were cute or i had a crush on them a while ago or somethong. when i was obviously fine they dmed me wanting to date. now before you say i led them on, they still shouldve known wanting to date an 11 year old was wrong. i had it See More in my bio at the time and mentikned it multiple times. i didnt know they were 18. they told me that they were 18 and i was like “okay thats weird but whatever” so i said yes cause i didnt know better. i was dating someone at the time and they were like wtf jul thats not okay so i declined withon the time of 30 mins to 1 day. then they were like “fine” and we never talked again after that.
on January 23, 2021

on January 23, 2021

did i spend 160 at hot topic? nope i spent 130 cause i had a 30 dollars off thing
on January 23, 2021

im always a qfeaster of the day its just favoritisim
on January 23, 2021

- See More
im feeling depressed time to cope in a healthy way *wanks 5 times in one sitting*
- See More
im feeling depressed time to cope in a healthy way *wanks 5 times in one sitting*
on January 23, 2021

this is the worst thing ive ever seen
this is the worst thing ive ever seen

My Butterfly... a gay love story
Hi my name is Leo a 17 year old boy, I have brown messy hair,blue eyes,and glasses and im around 5'8. I am a normal teen who likes sports and video games but something about me is different im gay. Im defiantly not saying that being gay is wrong! Its just the kids in my class hate gays except one guy named Clark. Clark has white hair and brown eyes hes 5'9 a bit taller then me but thats ok he will play sports but he likes reading too but hes also quite shy. Me and Him have become friends over the school year.
on January 23, 2021

on January 23, 2021

the only version of mha i can handle is the one where they are all puppets of mostly animals and monsters and all the names and voices are changed and it takes place in the 1970s and the plot is them making a shownand its literally just the muppet show
on January 23, 2021

i had a weird dream and it wad mostly random shit like me beating natsuki to death irl and watching commercials on christmas vhs tapes and my friends wanting to play a momo game with me and this guy who was mad at me for some reason until i showed them my webkinz cards. but my personal fav part was i was sick and downstairs and i asked mg mom if me and damier could hang oyt and she said no cause she worshipprd the devil and i was liek. tf. and me and her were on ft and i was somehow See More touching her thru the screen

@southparkestellaismywife420 in the dream it was actually cause we were sexting each other
on January 23, 2021
on January 23, 2021


Which Fnaf World Person Are You Excited For?
Freddy / Bonnie / Foxy / Chicha. Vote on this poll. Once you vote, the poll results will be displayed
on January 23, 2021

on January 23, 2021

@yuzu_senpai if u see this, if u were casual_red ur the one wbo tried to groom me lol
on January 23, 2021

my life plan ❤️❤️❤️
14: be gay
14: be gay
on January 22, 2021