on March 11, 2014

Why are there ads now?! :(

on March 11, 2014
on March 11, 2014

Hiya Pinkie! Derpy here!
on March 08, 2014

Xx_Pinkie_Pie_xX asked a question

Daring Do in Equestria Girls! I just realized who Daring Do in Equestria Girls is while...
on February 26, 2014

Hello? Anyone home?? :p ;)
on February 25, 2014

Also, just a suggestion, could you make it so that we can like and unlike the original post in a conversation? Not just the posts after the original post? That made no sense... :p One second...

on February 24, 2014
on February 24, 2014

In polls, could you make it so that we can "undo" our vote in case we accidentally click the wrong one? I know this happens to a lot of people once in a while. This would be really helpful (It just happened to me :p)

Sorry, but this will not be done (the point is that you should not see the poll results before voting, so you cannot be influenced by them)
on February 24, 2014
on February 24, 2014

Will you say the winners on your MLP Drawing Contest page when you get a chance? Thanks!
on February 23, 2014

Oh, right... Next competition is...

• No inappropriate stuff
• You may use a base and/or look at pictures.
• Please say what your references, if you had any, were(like, I used a picture, or, I used a base, or, I looked at eyes, but just copied them, I didn't trace them)
• You may use previously drawn ponies
• No inappropriate stuff
• You may use a base and/or look at pictures.
• Please say what your references, if you had any, were(like, I used a picture, or, I used a base, or, I looked at eyes, but just copied them, I didn't trace them)
• You may use previously drawn ponies
on February 21, 2014
on February 21, 2014