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Star This if this is what you want to do to Donald Trump

on August 25, 2016

I'll be back later, need to head to Young Womens! See ya later, guys.

I won't
on August 24, 2016

Okay.... But I don't believe in some of their things of what they believe in, so... Please don't hate me. @The_Bright_Side
on August 24, 2016

It's kind of tough because when I tell my friends I'm Mormon the look at me like I just murdered someone. I'm not trying to preach the gospel to you but if you became a member only a few months ago just hang in there because it takes a while to understand it all
on August 24, 2016

Oh I was born a Mormon.
on August 24, 2016

Yeah... I became Mormon a couple months ago. But... I don't feel like I fit in the religion. @The_Bright_Side
on August 24, 2016
on August 24, 2016

on August 23, 2016