on May 11, 2023

on May 11, 2023

XxEnz0_B3nz0xX added a photo to the starred list
I want my oc to be like this but- I will have to wait until next year :,)

on May 11, 2023

on May 11, 2023

Does anyone else just have a stuffed animal or toy that they've had for years and years?

yeah, billions of stuffed animals ive had for years
on May 11, 2023

No my mom threw them away
on May 10, 2023

on May 10, 2023

on May 10, 2023
on May 10, 2023

XxEnz0_B3nz0xX added a photo to the starred list
Everyone meet Brownie he is 12weeks old and I got him yesterday and he is just so cute

on May 10, 2023