There's no way of putting you on either side!You have a set of dislikes and likes similar to both Star and Marco!Your loyal,clever,and fun to be around!Sometimes you can be annoying or to persistent but it's usually out of a good intention.You want to be a bit more rebel or a bit more of a smart kid,but your quirks makes you perfect and fun,so don't worry and keep on smiling!
You're a gently, kind, loving cat with light gray fur and blue eyes. You have a mate named Smokeyfang. You belong to Wind Clan. So far you've had Two litters. First litter: Turtlekit, Snakekit, and Heatherkit. Second litter: Harekit and Meadowkit. Your mother's name is Silverfur, while your father's is Crowclaw.
Well done you got the best possible score, you used your wits to survive and rarely make mistakes. surviving this long has given you a major advantage on everyone else in a few weeks the dead should have disapated enough for you to loot shops an eventually rescue will come for you and the rest of your group ( if you chose to travel in a group). to get this score you had to be above 80% correct on your decisions so well done , that's a high pass mark. remember the decisions you made just in-case.
The knight in shining armor is strict, caring, and has had a great past with her best friend and soon to be boyfriend, Jellal Fernandes. She uses the rare magic, reequipping magic.