The sound echoed down the alley way. A creature creeps towards a red hedgehog who continues to stare at it. Slowly something reaches out to his shoulder, trying to grab at it in desperation. The creatures skin appears to fray slightly in the dryness of the alley, dark liquid falls onto the floor. The thing's claw hooks onto the hedgeog's blazer, ready to tear it apart. Suddenly out of no where Silver appears; tackling the creature to the floor. He quickly lifts the creature into the air with his powers. "What are you..?" Silver mutters glancing at the creature that has been causing everyone so many problems. "Hello Silver." The red hedgeog states. Silver glances towards the man and lifts an eyebrow. "...And what are you?"
Your a Tomboy pink happens to not be your defiantly favourite Color and shopping might not be your complete favourite hobby but you are you and that is good.
You are sweet, proper, practical, and calm. The name Alice is simple, like Anna, and also old fashioned, like Laura. Plus, it's sweet, like Hope! You are a mixture of names in one. You love music, and can calm down by just listening to songs. Any time someone needs advice on something, you're there. You're not biased, so you are the perfect person to ask.