Look everyone, if I upset anyone with my post I'm really sorry. It's just that I thought I could post options on here without any problems but again I'm sorry expectly to someone . I will not write posts of my opinions so no one can be hurt. Again I'm sorry.

I know but they said people who like'-kinda of of a person and they immediately think everyone who does is a bad person so I just won't post any opinions on here anymore
on July 08, 2019

I know but they made fun of my state saying that my state is bad and everything ? Well how do they know. They never visted and they will know that we are really kind people but nope thanks to them I can't express my opinions anywhere so.
on July 08, 2019

@WestNFS4Lyfe it's not just that . I can't any opinions on here cause on my social media everyone reports and and blocks me for my opinionson so I want to be hard on myself cause I hurt someone on here
on July 08, 2019
on July 08, 2019

Ithe says I made chapter 7 11 hrs ago but I posted it 3 minutes ago
on July 08, 2019

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to The Past Of Mayla Dawn

Chapter 7
Mayla thought what her parents said. Where she had no home at ten she would have to get a job. She didn't want to. She was homeless so she had no choice. Roy asked if she wanted tone live with him and his mother. She agreed.
It's been a solid 3 years and she was happy that was because Roy was her boyfriend. That was until he cheated on her and she broke up with him. As the months went by she would vist her homemade grave for her brother and friends . There was the only place she let out al... Read Full Chapter
It's been a solid 3 years and she was happy that was because Roy was her boyfriend. That was until he cheated on her and she broke up with him. As the months went by she would vist her homemade grave for her brother and friends . There was the only place she let out al... Read Full Chapter
on July 07, 2019

Good night. I'll try updating Mayla's past tomorrow well today in my time
on July 07, 2019

New chapter for whoever wants to still read it !
on July 07, 2019

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to The Past Of Mayla Dawn

Chapter 6
Mayla was ten when she was pick by the forest. She walking by when she heard a whisper . Being a curious girl she is she ran in the forest and saw a sword. She was confused as can be " Why is there a sword? Is someone hurt? " she looked around after picking it up while calling asking if anyone needed help but see got no response. She ran not knowing where to go . She just cried then a light came telling her to be brave and that she had to use the sword for good . She was confused but nodded q...
Read Full Chapter
on June 30, 2019

Hey everybody! You can ask me anything you want to ! I'll answer

on July 06, 2019
on July 06, 2019

I want to cry
on July 05, 2019