Most people think I'm lying when I say I have a YouTube channel I'll post one of my videos
on April 29, 2017


Markiplier's April Charity Livestream
DONATE HERE ► https://tiltify.com/events/markiplier-s-april-charity-livestream-environmental-defense-fund/donate GET MERCH ► https://represent.com/markiplier...
on April 29, 2017

I don't feel so good
on April 29, 2017

Well I'm going to watch a movie so bye if you have any suggestions plz comment
on April 28, 2017

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to The Love Of Pokemon Trainers

Update (Note)
There will be a good an update about the story.Ill not not be on next week hardly due to testing so I hope you will forgive me for next week.
Read Full Chapter
on April 28, 2017

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to The Love Of Pokemon Trainers

Bad Things
Red fanily got the place where you were at he walked in and saw you tied up and he saw you bleeding by your arm and legs " You fanily showed up Red "said the girl " Hey what did you do to Y/n " Red said madly. "Oh nothing really.....Oh just like umm stay her in her arms and legs so are ready to fight me or not " Gray said with a smile "Oh lookie here Red " the girl said holding you up and putting a knife to your neck.Red saw that you were crying and you couldn't move he knew that was the las...
Read Full Chapter
on April 20, 2017

on April 28, 2017

WolfieGirl12 added a story to the favorite list

Undertale - A New Beginning - Part 6
on April 28, 2017